Monday, December 5, 2011

How to Crochet Booties for Dogs

Use your crafting skills to protect your best friend's feet.Just like human feet, canine paws can get chilly in the winter. If you can crochet, helping your friend can be very easy. By repeating some basic crochet stitches, you can quickly create booties for your dog's paws. Warm your pooch's feet with some h...

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

An Example of a Game for a Dog

Have hours of fun playing fetch with your dog.Dog lovers looking to have a fun time with their pet can't go wrong with a spirited game of fetch. In addition to featuring a simple objective for your dog, fetch provides high-strung canines with the perfect outlet for excess energy. If you're ready...

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Repairing a Carpet Ripped by Dog

Fido's feet are hazardous to your carpets.Having a dog in the home adds enjoyment, companionship and entertainment. The downside is damage, such as rips and tears in carpeting due to claws or even teeth in some cases. Often, carpet damage is repairable using the proper tools and materials. W...

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Rollerblading With a Dog

A day at the park with your pet will take some planning.In-line skating with your furry four-legged friend will make for a fun-filled romp for both of you. The dog will enjoy getting fresh air and exercise alongside its human companion. In addition to providing a workout, in-line skating can become a spec...

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Dogs That Are Quiet

The Mastiff is a big dog that does not make much noise.Excessive barking from a dog cannot only be annoying to the owner, but also to neighbors. Some dogs are prone to be noisy, but others are naturally quiet and reserve their barks for when they are actually needed. Training is also vital in curbing a t...

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How to Enclose a Backyard for Dogs

Building a fence is the best way to keep a dog in your yard.Many dogs are full of energy and love to run and play outside, and a backyard is an ideal place for a dog to run and play. However, if your backyard is not enclosed, your dog may not be able to resist the urge to run wild through the neighborhood and...

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Dog Hematoma Cures

A hematoma occurs when blood collects outside a blood vessel as a result of damaged capillaries, veins or arteries. Ear hematomas are the most common form of this condition in dogs. They occur when blood collects under the skin in the ear flap. An ea...

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