Price: $69.99
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Price: $69.99
The hard, scaly pads on the bottoms of a dog's feet insulate the feet against exposure to heat and cold, protect them from injury when walking on hard, rough surfaces, and control the amount of pressure placed on bone, muscles and soft tissues by the...
Price: $49.99
AutoDesk MotionBuilder is a 3-D animation program. If you have a 3-D dog model, you can use MotionBuilder to turn it into an actor, the name for a character on an animated stage, with a skeleton. This allows you to move the model in nearly infinite w...
Price: $14.95
The image of a truck driving around a neighborhood with a dog catcher stopping to pick up and impound loose dogs fails to convey what these workers do. Today, dog catchers are called animal control workers; professionals who investigate reports of an...
Dogs are pack animals, which results in their eagerness to please. Dogs enjoy being part of a family and having an alpha to look up to. However, some dogs are not eager to please because they are dominant or because their owners are not sure how to...