Saturday, December 17, 2011

How to Make a Bathroom Door Wider

Wider bathroom doors improve access.A common reason to widen a bathroom door is to allow access for wheelchairs and walkers, but you might also be looking for a different aesthetic in your home, which can be accomplished by widening the bathroom door. Standard doorways are 24 to 30 inc...

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How to Draw a Tabby Cat

A tabby is a very specific type of cat with almond-shaped eyes. Draw a tabby cat with help from an artist who teaches art to children and adults in this free video clip.

Part of the Video Series: How to Draw Animals

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How to Catch an Abandoned Ragdoll Cat

Ragdolls usually enjoy being pampered pets, but sometimes they escape the house.

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Ragdolls are docile and affectionate cats, which like nothing more than to be with people. Ragdolls are gentle and rarely extend their claws even in play. However, female ragdoll cats can reach up to 15 pounds, while males can reach up to 20 pounds, which makes them appear intimidating to people who are unfamiliar with the breed. An abandoned ragdoll cat will probably want to be near people, but may be too confused and frightened to catch. Fortunately, there is a humane way to rescue an abandoned ragdoll cat and bring it in to safety.

Related Searches:Difficulty:ModerateInstructions Things You'll NeedLive animal trapCat foodFish or ground beef (optional)Shallow dishBlanket or sheetSuggest Edits1

Set out food for the cat every day, in the same location for at least several days. Feeding it this way will attract the cat to a place of your choosing and will help it feel comfortable.


Introduce the unset trap to the location in which you have been feeding the cat. Open the trap door and secure it, so that the cat can enter it if it wants to do so without becoming trapped. Cover the trap with a sheet or blanket to turn it into a secure place. Put the cat food in front of the open trap. Continue feeding it for a few more days.


Slowly move the cat food closer to the front of the trap. The food should eventually be placed at the rear of the trap enclosure.


Set the trap according to the instructions it came with, setting it to close with very little pressure being applied to the trip plate. According to the Feral Cat Coalition, you should use very smelly food to bait the trap, such as canned mackerel. The food should be as far from the rear of the trap as possible.


Check the trap frequently for occupants and replenish bait as needed. When the ragdoll cat has been captured, bring the trap to a veterinarian for assistance removing it. Keep the trap covered while transporting the cat, so that it will feel more secure.

Tips & Warnings

If the cat is not attracted to your trap, try alternate baits such as ground meat, chicken, fish, or even oil of catnip.

Do not feed the cat the night before you set the trap. It is more likely to be hungry and, therefore, more willing to enter the trap to eat.

If animals other than the cat are trapped, call the local wildlife authorities for assistance with their handling.

Do not trap the cat in extreme heat or when it is raining, to prevent the cat from coming to harm.

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ReferencesCat Fanciers’ Association; Breed: Ragdoll; Isabelle Bellavance et al.; 2010Feral Cat Coalition; Humane Trapping Instructions;; Cat Baits; 2011Photo Credit Jupiterimages/ ImagesRead Next:

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How to Minimize Picking Up EMF in Cables

EMF interference can be introduced between cables without physical contact.Electromagnetic frequencies -- or EMF -- emanate from a variety of sources, but are particularly prevalent near high-voltage power outlets, transformers and power cables. The EMF radiated by these items can introduce interference onto smaller, low-po...

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How to Draw Fur on a Long-Haired Cat

When drawing the fur on a long haired cat you'll want to start off by drawing its face. Draw fur on a long haired cat with help from an artist in this free video clip.

Part of the Video Series: Drawing Help

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Friday, December 16, 2011

How to Give a Meet-and-Greet Dog Party

For a memorable meet-and-greet party, alternate activities so that the (human) guest and then the dog take center stage.There’s only one thing better than moving to a new neighborhood with your dog, and that’s finding out that you’re surrounded by fellow dog lovers. Get everyone together by hosting a dog meet-and-greet party so that the owners and th...

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Hairstyles for Poodle Dogs

Poodles come in standard, miniature and toy sizes.

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Poodles are recognized by the unique hairstyles that normally accompany the breed. The classic poodle hairstyles originated in Germany to keep vital organs warm when the poodle accompanied its master hunting game. If you are planning to show your poodle, there are only a few poodle hairstyles accepted by the American Kennel Club. However, several companion pet hairstyles offer any poodle owner a variety of hairstyles to choose from.

Related Searches: Puppy Clip

The American Kennel Club allows poodles 12 months or younger to have a puppy cut. To achieve this cut, the groomer shaves the face, throat, feet and base of the tail close to the skin. A pompon (puff of hair) is left on the tail to balance the overall box shape of the dog. The fur on the body and legs is left long but can be shaped to fit the conformation of the dog. The topknot can be left long against the body or pulled into a rubber band at the top of the skull.

English Saddle Clip

To achieve an English saddle clip, a groomer shaves the face, throat, feet, front legs and base of the tail. Pompons are left on the front legs just above the wrists and on the tip of the tail. The back legs have two shaved bands, leaving pompons on the ankle and knee. The rump and thighs are left with a short, cut blanket that resembles a pair of shorts when viewed from a distance. Between the back of the shoulders and front of the hips is also a shaved band. The rest of the coat can be left long or shaped to fit the conformation of the dog. A topknot is permissible with this hairstyle, as well.

Continental Clip

The Continental clip hairstyle also begins with shaving the face, throat, feet, legs, base of the tail and hips/hindquarters. Puffs are optional on the hips and must be placed over the hip joint. Bracelets on the hindquarters, puffs on the front legs around the wrists and a pompon on the tail are required. The body of the coat is left long, but can be shaped to fit the conformation of the dog. As with other American Kennel Club hairstyles, the feet are visible and a topknot is optional but must be placed only on the top of the skull.

Sporting Clip

Groomers achieve the sporting clip hairstyle by shaving the face, feet, throat and base of the tail. The hair on the skull is trimmed to leave a cap of hair, and a pompon is left on the tip of the tail. The body of the coat and legs are trimmed to match the shape of the dog’s conformation, but the coat is not to exceed 1 inch in length. This hairstyle also allows for the hair on the legs to be somewhat longer than the hair on the body.

Companion Pet Hairstyles

The utility cut includes shaving the face, feet and base of the tail and trimming the rest of the coat body down to about one inch in length. The lamb cut is similar to the utility cut except the coat body is a bit longer. giving a fluffy appearance. The summer cut involves shaving the face, neck, feet and base of the tail, leaving a shortly trimmed coat on the body, legs and head with pompons around all four wrists. The town-and-country cut calls for the coat body to be short and the face, neck, feet and the base of the tail to be shaved. The midsection between hips and chest are shaved closely but not bare.

ReferencesAmerican Kennel Club: PoodleStandard Poodles USA: Standard Poodles -Photo Credit Jupiterimages/ ImagesRead Next:

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