Showing posts with label Nutritional. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nutritional. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Top 5 Nutritional Tips For a Sports Athletes on a Sport Nutrition Diet

A balanced diet should be the basis of any athlete's daily intake, but when does protein loading take place? And what about those carbohydrates? There are now diets for all kind of circumstances and also sports so where does it all start and stop.

So for Sports Nutrition Diet, here are 5 Top Tips for all athletes to follow:

Garbage in Garbage out this rule still applies - even once you start training or increase your training load you body will be more forgiving its important to focus getting good food.
The right food at the right time, your body metabolism works like a clock, you train and your body goes into overdrive, so feed it. Now that you have tip one under control, then eat while your body needs it. There is a however or a big BUT will this one if you train late at night don't let your body do all it work while your asleep. What do I mean by this, don't eat a full dinner at 10 or 11 o'clock at night just because you've finished a round of additional training. Your body still needs to break this stuff down so help it.
Know what your eating, less processing the better, more fibre, more natural and roughage the more nutrition's your body absorbs and the better effect it will have on your long team fitness.
Drink water when you can and then drink some more, this is the cheapest and best way to keep your body tuned and as per item one this also needs to read "don't drink sports drinks when your not doing or recovering from sport along with all those valuable electrolytes there are basically full of sugars.
Supplements, these are best thought about in two categories
General health supplements, such as multivitamins; and
Sport Specific related supplements such as protein or creatine and different amino acids.

To complement a Sports Nutrition Diet it is recommended that Athletes take multi vitamins to supplement any training schedule to ensure all the daily needs are covered across the weekly diet.

Sports specific supplements are also useful but need to be used with a full and balanced diet, creatine for helping athlete's train harder, or protein powders when athletes are looking to gain muscle.

For more information on sport nutrition go to

Brad is an Internet Marketer and Sports Enthusiast.


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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Sports Nutrition For Women & Advice For Their Nutritional Needs

There are many books and manuals out there by nutritionists that help to provide the correct diets for improving strength and endurance. When looking for a guide be sure to read this article first as it is aimed towards female athletes looking to improve performance.

The body system that a women has is totally different to that's of males. That is the main reason why that a woman who is interested in sports will have a completely different set of nutritional needs. And just like men, women are also more than capable of involving themselves in sports.

The sports nutrition for women is different, those that are involved in sports and have regular exercise will have some special nutritional needs. The basic principles however are the same for men and women when it comes to nutrition but there are small differences. Females who are involved in regular sporting activities will have more needs for certain nutrients.

This is mainly due to that fact that woman are more prone to dietary deficiencies. This is not to say that men are completely immune, this is just due to the fact that woman have ongoing cycles taking place inside their body. It is very important to keep the right level of nutrients up to prevent any disorders.

The main nutritional factors in sports nutrition for women would have to be iron and calcium. Another important issue for women is weight control and eating disorders. Calcium and iron are required nutrients to help the body perform at it's peak.

In saying that though there still has been no scientific reason for this, but the simple fact is that women are overly conscious about their weight. By having a normal weight in will help in giving you a healthy psychological system.

Calcium is a mineral that plays an essential role in growth. In sports, muscle and mind coordination is important. It also helps in muscle contraction and transmission of nerve impulses.

Another reason why it is useful is due to the fact that it will aid in the maintenance and development of strong bones. This play an important part in the nutritional intake that women require.

Having adequate amounts of calcium during your childhood and adolescence is important for developing an optimal peak in bone mass by your mid twenty's to your early thirty's. This will then help you reduce your risk of acquiring osteoporosis or the thinning of your bones.

Some women who are into sports are at risk of inadequate calcium intake, while some are at risk of early osteoporosis due to the absence of appropriate amount of calcium, or an irregularity of their menstrual cycle. So conclusively, women should have higher intakes of calcium.

There is a list of recommended dietary intakes of calcium for sports women according to their ages. For girls with ages twelve to fifteen, they must have at least one thousand milligrams of calcium per day. For teenagers with ages sixteen to eighteen, on the other hand, should have a normal calcium intake per day, which is eight hundred milligrams. For women who are having their menstrual periods, they should also take eight hundred milligrams of calcium a day.

Post menopausal women should have at least one thousand milligrams per day of calcium, while women who are pregnant and who are also breast feeding should have one thousand two hundred milligrams per day.

And, not to be the least, sportswomen who have an absent or an irregular menstrual cycle, they should have at least one thousand to one thousand five hundred milligrams in a day. It is detrimental for women to meet their required calcium intake for normal functioning.

What is used to help form hemoglobin is the mineral iron, this is very important in maintaining the oxygen in the blood as it is transported to the different parts of the body. It is also a very important nutrient in helping produce energy and immunity.

Athletes are more prone to iron deficiencies than anyone else in the world. Women are at a bigger risk because they continually lose blood as they undergo the cyclical process of menstruation. Plus, strenuous exercises contribute to the loss of iron through the destruction of red blood cells. Inadequate iron intake are associated with reduced athletic performance. Women will require the nutrient iron in big amounts.

Being able to keep the body's fat levels low is often the main aim of many female athletes. Having excess fats can have a negative effect on performance. However having less fat or none at all can compromise the energy levels of a female athlete. Low energy will affect overall sporting performance, that is why it is so important to keep the right amount of nutrients in the body. The right sports nutrition for women will aid performance in all exercise and sporting activities.

Pick up your Free book on sports nutrition by visiting nutrition tips []. To read more articles on how to keep your body healthy when taking part in sports visit sport nutrition blog []

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Monday, January 2, 2012

Evolving Sports Nutritional Supplements

Surely if the sports nutritional supplements are good enough for those in space you should be considering the use of these beneficial products for yourself. But on a serious note it is not the exclusive product of our athletes, all the bodybuilders in the gym, but rather these extremely popular products are readily available for anyone who is looking to improve their health and well-being, as well as those looking to either lose or gain weight.

Sports nutritional supplements are formulated to target specific areas and functioning of the human body, and in most cases are nothing but a pure form of a naturally occurring food, vitamin or type of amino acid that occurs within the human body. Often times our intake of specific nutritional elements has been degraded due to the food types, as well as the manufacturing processes of these food types, which results in a lesser intake of essential vitamins, minerals and food elements loss during either the manufacturing, or cooking process.

In addition to these supplements becoming so popular and widely used, one would surely have also heard of the whole foods concept in addition to the local food concept. Essentially the latter two described here involve the least amount of processing and transportation respectively. These two concepts ensure that the foods are not only fresher but also degraded to a lesser extent, based on the lack of human processing thereof. The use of the sports nutritional supplements are further based on these concepts due to the fact that they are an isolated form of a specific supplement, for example protein, or creatine. With reduced fats and cholesterol contained within these sports nutritional supplements, the user is getting the absolute best in terms of the product, whichever it may be.

From a medical perspective, the mentioned supplement of whey protein is used for malnourished people and provide tremendous value within the medical field. In addition to those these types of supplements are often used in the treatment of a variety of muscle degenerative conditions as well as certain diseases and illnesses. The well-being of the patients concerned has shown remarkable impacts with the use of sports nutritional supplements as described above, and medical research continues with respect to the application of these products.

The intake of sports nutritional supplements is widely used within the area of sports men and women, providing energy, strength and added stamina, dependent upon which supplement is used. One should furthermore bear in mind that these products do not guarantee physical performance, muscle or weight gain, or even in some cases weight loss by themselves. It is rather a combination of a specific eating plan, together with an exercise routine, as well as the intake of the sports nutritional supplements that provide optimal benefits.

Sports Nutrition Supplements can add value to your life in a number of ways, from weight loss, to weight gain. Visit Sport and Supplements for the widest variety in sport and fitness supplements at

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Defining Your Nutritional Goals For Your Sports Requirements

The responsibilities of a professional athlete can be as demanding as the responsibilities of any corporate professional, and even though the job functions are completely dissimilar, each career requires a lot of high energy focus and investment to succeed. But if you look a little closer at both of these realms, you'll find a common factor in their needs, and that's the need for proper nutrition and health.

An entire profession, sports nutrition, is now dedicated to helping people maintain their peak mental and physical capabilities. This is done either through intensive gym workouts, getting in peak condition for sports competitions, or helping monitor fitness during high sporting events. Obviously, out of all groups of professionals, athletes realize how vitally important good nutrition is, especially to give them an extra cutting edge in competition, ability and output, and naturally to maintain a great level of health in their everyday lives.

Not every sportsperson is keen to utilize the benefits offered by the sports nutrition industry, nor even acknowledge it makes a marked difference, although in the end they lose out, because the level of competition in sports is always increasing. Everyone is constantly striving for top position and to achieve that requires nutritional knowledge of both food and supplements, which will vary depending on the sport or activity.

It depends on the sports and the needed level of output as to which way nutritional advice will slant towards because what works for one athlete in one sport may in fact be damaging to the results and abilities of a different athlete in another sport. Whether recommendations for sugar or carbohydrates, it's important to know which sports require which nutritional approach to get the best results.

It's important for an athlete to do some groundwork and investigation into his sport of expertise and discover exactly what nutritional approach will best equip him. He needs to know what to avoid, what to look for on labels, and whether power bars or sports drinks really are going to benefit him. The most qualified professional is the nutritionist as they are equipped to give advice and knowledge to match specific needs and goals, and will know what's needed to enable best performance, and even help in setting up the timetable for meals and snacks for optimal results.

Embarking down this road and really committing to the best nutrition for your athletic demands is going to have a price tag attached to it, and initially it may seem to you that the investment required is more than you anticipated. So it may be worth your while searching for some cheaper alternatives that can still help you meet your nutritional goals, but not cost you the world in the process.

No matter what nutrition you choose, you will in most cases need an oven to cook it.

Terje Brooks has written articles online for many years and he likes to write about food, health & fitness, home and family issues among other topics. Take a look at his double gas oven site and read some ovens for sale reviews as well as additional kitchen-oven information.

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If You Exercise and You Sweat, Sports Nutritional Supplements Are Your Best Training Partner

Sweating, without replacing all the lost nutrients is practically suicide! And if you think that sugar-flavoured and multi-coloured 'sports water' is going to do the trick, then think again.

Pretty hard words - but consider this: training, sport and 'sweating it out' make you feel great and are a terrific way to develop both physically and mentally. However here's an important tip, if you think that training and sport without taking sports nutritional supplements will help you live longer . . . think again.

When you sweat, you're not just sweating out salt and water or Gatorade for that matter. Sweat contains everything in your blood - more than 60 different minerals, rare trace minerals, vitamins, electrolytes and amino acids.

Most cheap and well known sports drinks, even with healthy eating, are just not enough to replace everything you lose which means that if you don't put back these nutrients you are very likely to develop a nutritional deficiency disease.

Sports drinks are supposed to replace nutrients lost during exertion, however most contain nothing more than sugar, salt, potassium and food coloring.

An easily recognized and common early warning sign of nutrient deficiency is that tired and burned out feeling. Most of us just try harder until we become completely exhausted, chronically fatigued and unable to train. This situation can be easily corrected with correct sports nutritional supplementation.

According to the Centre for Disease Control in the US, each year over 100,000 people from youngsters to professional athletes die suddenly during exercise and sporting events, or immediately after. Out of these, 30-35% die of a ruptured aneurysm (which is where you lose major blood volume from a break in an artery) and over 65% die of a cardiomyopathy heart attack.

According to Naturopath and author, Dr Joel Wallach, the veterinary industry has known since the late 1950's that the cause of a ruptured aneurysm is a copper deficiency and the cause of cardiomyopathy heart attack is a selenium deficiency.

Here are some other facts about sport and health:

o Evander Holyfield was once banned from boxing because of his heart condition and after his physician put him on a selenium sports nutritional supplement he soon passed his cardiogram and went back into boxing.

o James Fixx wrote books telling everyone about the benefits of running for your health . . and died at 52 from a heart attack.

o Leonard Hilton ran the sub 4-minute mile 32 times and followed the teachings of James Fixx and also died at the age of 52.

o An increasing number of professional athletes need to quit their sport because of joint problems and frequently have joint replacement surgery.

Sports Nutritional Supplements - The Right Ones Will Extend Your Sporting Life

The bottom line is you need to put back the nutrients you're losing. While most people, especially professional athletes, are aware they need to put back some of the things they're sweating out, they need to make sure that they're using a source that is highly absorbable and contains the complete spectrum of nutrients.

Unless you're using a source of highly absorbable minerals, trace minerals, vitamins, essential fatty acids and amino acids, you're not going to be able to sustain your health and longevity and you'll eventually suffer one or a number of deficiency diseases, from damaged bones and joints to a heart attack.

Sports nutritional supplements should consist of plant derived liquid minerals, additional liquid calcium and essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids, essential fatty acids and health supplements which support the bones and joints.


Paul Newland is a health writer, sports training consultant and martial arts instructor and manages the website. He is the author of numerous health information books and guides, including the Wellness Report, The Ultimate Antioxidant Report, The Selenium Report, The Bird Flu Report, The Ultimate Nutrient Guide and The Essential Fatty Acid Report and The Ultimate Sports Nutrition Guide - available Free (for a limited time) through []

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