Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tips and tricks in building an iguana cage

Tips and tricks in building an iguana cage

Iguanas are arboreal, they prefer to stay in a large and wide ecosystem. Iguanas also tend to spend its time high up in tall trees. It is because their enemies or predators will not be able to follow them up in high trees. Most iguanas can easily hide from their enemies, by climbing jumping down into the ground without getting hurt.

But today, the lives of iguanas are in danger. Some of them are being caught and eaten by wild animals.

If you’re an animal or pet lover you can help these iguanas to survive against predators and help them from being extinct. You can do this by taking care of iguana, by just having at least pair.

Handling of iguanas needs proper planning. There are some things to be considered.

The first and most important thing is building a cage or enclosure. You must provide them with a good place where they can roam while having the freedom they enjoy in the wild.

Here are some more tips in building a great home for your iguana.

1.    Look for a cage that is spacious and secured. A large room or a big closet can be a good place where they can roam. You can add artificial plants and branches where they can climb and hang over. If your iguana is still young, be sure to make the appropriate size of the cage. A smaller one with no hole is recommended so that they’ll not escape from the cage. When your iguana grows and get habituated to his new home, you can expand the area so that it will not look crowded.

2.    Another thing to consider in building an iguana cage is the air circulation. Look for a cheap but comfy closet with proper air circulation. You can put a small, low-cost and quiet fan that will help regulate the air and raise the temperature and humidity inside the cage. A closet which has a good flow of air can also prevent the growth of mildew. But in case a mildew problem occurs, you can simply wash the walls using water and bleach.

3.    During the night time, you can use a heating pad to warmth your iguana. Look for a light bulb that consumes less electricity. You can simply screw a 75 watt bulb on the wall of the cage.

4.    Let your iguana adapt first to the new enclosure. Iguanas might get traumatized or hurt themselves if placed in a new environment. Iguanas normally react if placed in a new enclosure by rubbing and scratching the walls. It is advisable that you stay with your iguana as they explore. Try to bond with your pet until he gets acquainted with his new environment.

5.    Be cautious on the electrical connections positioned on the enclosure. All wiring must be carefully situated in areas where your iguana can’t reach them. Iguanas are intrusive creatures, they will try to jump and climb up on accessible wirings and hot light equipments.

6.    Lastly, keep your enclosure away from pests. Remove left over foods as soon as possible.  Remember that cleanliness is the most essential factor to prevent possible problems.

Building a cage for your iguana can be simple and fun. Just follow the steps above and surely you’ll have a perfect enclosure for your pet.

The Habitat of the Green Iguana

The Habitat of the Green Iguana

Arboreal lizards—these are what green iguanas are and they therefore enjoy living on top of tree canopies. The younger green iguanas tend to stay in the lower portions but the matured ones like it high above. This kind of dwelling technique allows them to do basking in the sun and they rarely go down with the exception of the time when the female green iguanas deem the need to dig their burrows so they can lay their eggs. They still prefer to have water around their habitat so that they can easily escape the predators who love to attack them. They are great swimmers so they most of the times successfully manage to avoid their predators.

The Development of an Iguana

Right after an estimated 65 days upon the mating period, the female green iguana is now ready to lay her eggs. The number and size of the eggs depend upon the size of the female iguana. Within a three-day period, about 10 to 30 pale-colored eggs get deposited into the nests. Other nests can be shared by many female iguanas especially when there is a very limited space for them. Actually, the female iguanas do not guard their nests but they do visit their eggs from time to time. The incubation for the iguana eggs last from about 90 up to 120 days. The hatchlings are the ones that crack their egg shells open by making use of their special egg teeth which are known as the caruncle. The yolks in the eggs are the providers of nourishment for the young iguanas. 

The Physical Description of the Green Iguanas

The Physical Description of the Green Iguanas

In a matter of three years, the young twelve-gram green iguana can turn into a one kilogram adult green iguana. Right after they get hatched, their length varies from 17 to up to 25 centimeters. Most of the well-fed matured green iguanas come to weigh at about 4 and 6 kilograms but at times they reach the 8 kilogram weight. 

The term green iguana does not stereotype these reptiles. The matured iguanas come in uniform colors whereas the younger ones vary between brown and green. Their colors can also get affected by their health, mood, temperature, and social statures.

One of the distinct features they have is the dewlap that can be found under their throats. The dewlap is much dominant in the male green iguanas rather than in the females. The laterally positioned eyes of the green iguanas are being protected by some immovable eyelids and mobile lower eyelids.

The parietal eye functions as some kind of a meter for the solar energy and contributes much to the maturity of the endocrine and thyroid glands in these reptiles. Lastly, the plates or scales on their heads are much irregular and larger compared to the scales found on the rest of their body parts.

The Physical Description of the Green Iguana

Get Acquainted with the Green Iguanas

The green iguanas or those which take the name of "Iguana iguana" are commonly found all over the South and Central America, in Mexico, in the southeastern part of Brazil, eastern Pacific, and the Caribbean. Breeds of the green iguana are now also spotted in Hawaii and Florida. The green iguana is popularly the largest type of lizard that happens to inhabit much of the territories of United States.

The Physical Description of the Green Iguana

In a matter of three years, the young twelve-gram green iguana can turn into a one kilogram adult green iguana. Right after they get hatched, their length varies from 17 to up to 25 centimeters. Most of the well-fed matured green iguanas come to weigh at about 4 and 6 kilograms but at times they reach the 8 kilogram weight. 

The Outdoor Sunlight for the Iguanas

Water for their Habitat

Even the iguanas crave for water and this need of theirs should come handy. Most of their water intake source comes from the plants which they come to consume in their diets. When the iguanas are taken inside their tanks, they love to drink water from the woods or leaves inside the cage.

Bathing the iguana is another good source of water intake into their bodies. This will further train the reptile to be accustomed with the water. When bathing your pet, lukewarm water must be used.

The Outdoor Sunlight for the Iguanas

Nothing can ever compare with the natural light coming from the sun. Sunlight will make your pet iguana cantina healthier. In a week, the iguana must be exposed to natural sunlight from five to ten hours. If you wish to place your iguana in a cage outside of your home, you should ensure that cats, dogs, or any other wild animals must not be present to pose danger on your pet.

The Iguana’s Indoor Housing Concerns

The young iguana cantina is able to live on an aquarium filled with thirty to fifty gallons of water. But of course as they are properly fed with the rightful diet, their growth would seem to advance in a matter of months. This means that the aquarium size should be adjusted as well.

The aquarium enclosures come in a variety of styles and are either made out of plexiglass, wood, or simple glass. The substrate to be used must be something that can help you out easily. If you want to save, you can make use of newspapers. Among the other cool choices are the indoor and outdoor carpeting, linoleum, and artificial grass.

Materials to avoid are soil, sand, and bark because they commonly invite insects and pests to thrive in them. This will in turn cause harm to your pets. The iguana habitat should be disinfected and cleaned two times in a week. It is also important to set up pieces of rocks, branches, broad limbs, or drift woods as climbing materials for the iguanas.

Some Vital Considerations Posed on the Care for Iguana Cantina

Some Vital Considerations Posed on the Care for Iguana Cantina

The iguanas are among the most well-known reptiles which are often purchased from the leading pet shops all over United States. The iguana can grow in almost any type of climate and could utterly measure between four to six feet in terms of its length and from ten to fifteen pounds in weight.

When taken captive, the iguanas can live a span of twelve to fifteen years and sometimes up to twenty years provided that they are maintained to the fullest level. Since the iguana cantinas are originally from the humid and hot environments, it is rightful to assume that these reptiles are most active when the sun is up. At times when danger is imposed on them, they can be expected to use their defense mechanism tools such as their strong tails, nails, and jaws.

In their natural habitat, the iguana cantinas are spotted to be always hiding from their predators. They have very strong senses of sight, hearing, and smell and can easily detect the dangers abound. Most of today’s youngsters and teenagers buy iguanas out of severe impulse but then therefore disregarding the vital facts about their proper care.

As a general knowledge for everyone, sufficient basics about the requirements for caring for an iguana must be taken into consideration.