Friday, March 2, 2012
Types Of Iguanas
Types of Iguanas: Getting to know them
Iguanas basically belong to the lizard family called Iguanidae. Their most common characteristics include elongated tails, eyelids and four rambling legs. Like most reptiles all types of iguanas are cold blooded and can reach a life span of up to 20 years.
Iguanas are naturally found in Mexico and The Central and Southern part of the Americas and some are found in the Lesser Antilles Islands, Hawaii, Florida and California.
Most type of iguanas are arboreal which can be found on living on trees but some also inhabits the desserts, rocky terrains and even near sea side caves which are called the marine iguanas.
There are basically eight types of iguanas within the Iguanidae family. The Genus Cyrclura, Genus Amblyrhyncus, Genus Conolophus, Genus Ctenosauria, Genus Dipsosaurus, Genus Sauromalus, Genus Brachylophus.
The Genus Cyrclura is also commonly known as the rock iguana which can be in most parts of the Caribbean Islands, these types of iguana are under the protection of endangered species so they are scarcely sold or traded but if ever you find one on a shop they are mostly captive bred.
These types of iguanas, the Genus Amblyrhyncus are known as the marine iguanas or the Galapagos Marine Iguana.
These types of iguana is the most hard to be reserved in confinement for the reason that they feed on a diet which is basically close to impossible to produce commercially which is the Marine Algae.
Genus Conolophus, these are the closest relatives of the marine iguana. This type of iguana is also called the Galapagos Land Iguana they basically feed on plants and cactus.
Genus Ctenosauria this are mainly called the spiny tailed iguanas and are native to Mexico and Central America. They are small compared to other iguanas because they can only grow from 5 inches up to 35 inches.
The most outstanding feature of this creature is the large scales on its tail. They are grouped as omnivores which basically feed on fruits and flowers as well as small insects.
Genus Dipsosaurus consists of the dessert iguanas of the Southern America and Mexico. This kind of iguanas is full-bodied with an apex of elevated and expanded scales on its back.
They have cream to white colored bellies and are spotted with white dots and stripe colored tails. They can grow up to 15 inches long with a tail that is as twice as long as its body.
Genus Sauromalus is also known as the Chuckwalla which is a robust herbaceous iguana commonly found in United States and Mexico. These types of iguanas are strict vegetarians they confine themselves with eating only fruits, leaves and flowers.
Chuckwallas have skins that hang loosely on its fat body; they love heat and do not basically moves in the morning until the heat reaches a hundred degrees.
To shove of the extra heat they either change color to reflect the suns heat or hide in the shade. Chuckwallas is also good for captivity as a pet cause they do not move that much.
Lastly the Genus Brachylophus or known as the Fijian banded Iguana which is found in the island of Fiji and Tonga.
Iguanas nowadays are coined as endangered species and illegal possession of any types of iguanas is punishable by law so be sure that if you want an iguana as a pet, have it registered first in a legal process and consult some veterinarians for some advices and guidelines in preparing to adopt an Iguana.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Pictures Of Iguanas
New Pet Iguana - Tame Them
Iguanas belong to the family of lizards. Like most reptiles, iguanas belong to the cold-blooded animals whose body temperature changes with the temperature of the air or water around it that is why iguanas have excellent capability to survive to the environment.
Iguanas have a long, whip-like tails, eyelids, four sprawling legs, big mouth and saw-like teeth. Iguanas are of different species. They may differ in behavior, size and color which may vary from green to yellow. Some has a vivid color, some has dull color. These creatures usually have a life span of 15-20 years in captivity.
Iguanas have its unique adaptation to its habitat. The Marine Iguanas are skillful swimmer, the Green iguanas can usually be found in rainforest, and others, like the desert iguanas have the ability to adapt and survive even in dry and hot desert.
There are iguanas that are readily available in pet shops. These have gain the popularity of iguanas for pet. It is challenging to own iguanas especially in taming it. Unlike cats and dogs, iguanas are not domesticated animals. It takes time before they become comfortable and tame. They have still the instinct and behavior that help them survive in the wild even after years of captivity and breed.
It is also very important when handling iguanas, to make sure they are comfortable. Iguanas are sometimes territorial aggressive creatures. In taming them, you need to be patient. It is best to handle them daily. In handling them, do not swoop your hand from above them, they may think you’re a predator, remember these creatures are used to wild habitat. Instead, bring your hand to its eye level and approach them slowly. Don’t make any fast moves. There are pictures of iguanas and how to handle them that may give you vivid picture on how to handle them. Talking and whispering while you are approaching them may also help. Handling your iguanas on daily basis and spending time with them will gradually tame them. Understanding their body language and their real meaning, like bobbing of their head, whipping their tail will help you interact with your pet better.
There are highly debated topics when it comes to feeding or what to feed to your iguanas. Iguanas are basically herbivore creatures. They eat leaves, fruits and flowers. Improper feeding may result to death or sickness of your pet. Iguanas are strictly vegetarian. Although there are books that say iguanas can be fed other animal protein based foods. It is recommended for them to have a varied diet.
Iguanas have saw-like teeth that they use to rip and tear their food instead of chewing it. Clean and chop the food finely before giving it to them. It is important for your iguanas to have strong and healthy bones. Providing them with a wide variety fresh food that is high in calcium and phosphorous and clean water is good for your iguanas’ diet. Iguanas should be fed daily. At least two leafy green each day.
The amount of food that you may give to your iguana depends on the size and the appetite of your pet. It would be best to give them enough food that will last all day and even leave food at night. You can also find tables of good food that you can feed to your iguanas.
Reading up more information about iguanas, such as how to tame them, proper training, handling and proper feeding them will help you successfully kept them for years.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Pet Iguanas
Pet Iguanas: What can You Expect from Them?
Nearly thousands of people are currently keeping pet iguanas in their homes. But then certainly, there are a few valuable information to note of when intending to keep pet iguanas. The pet stores give pertinent information to the buyers of these reptiles especially when it comes to their behavior, caging, lifestyle, and diet. The internet also hosts the most worthy information about taking care of pet iguanas. So if you are a budding owner of pet iguanas, this article is just for you.
Iguanas are the most popular lizards that are taken home to be pets. They rank to be among today’s pet “fads”. They are even sold in the most affordable prices in several pet stores. They are not that difficult to take care of but of course they are to be highly maintained. Things such as veterinary medications, feeding techniques, caging tips, and many others are among the most particular things to consider when getting pet iguanas. Yes, the pet iguanas must be properly caged and well-fed so as not to risk their long life span. They become very huge that owners may think they will be hard to tame, feed, and control. At times, the bigger and matured iguanas can become really aggressive. They may also attempt several times to escape.
So what should you expect from a pet iguana? Obviously, what you need to give your pet iguana is sufficient tender loving care. Aside from that, you should also maintain right sanitation within its cage. You must be careful to handle your iguanas especially when there are children, pregnant women, elderly people, and not yet immunized individuals that try to be in contact with your pet iguanas.
Which iguana will be right for you to take care of? The "Iguana iguana" or the rainforest green iguana ranks to be the most-sought after pet iguana by many people. These plant-eating lizards find solace in the shrubby places. If you intend to have them as pets, you must create a homey environment for them. It will be utterly significant to provide branches that will allow them to bask under the heat of the sun that will be allowed to enter into their housing. More so, alternative heat sources can be utilized. You just have to be careful not to let your pet iguanas reach the bulbs and other heater devices or else they will get burned.
It is also important that you know of its digestive makeup. The iguanas are known to be Hind-Gut fermenters which mean that their lower intestinal tracts play a major role for their survival. Such digestive tract is held to be responsible for the production of the fatty acids, water reabsorption, vitamins, and many others. Malnutrition and uncleanness often result to sickness and death of the pet iguanas. Overall, you must learn how to cater to the food and habitat needs of your supposed to be pet iguana.
Like any other living being, the pet iguanas have their own taste preferences. They may or may not like certain foods that you will give. It is better to study the overall profile of your pet iguana so that it can live its life to the fullest. Having pet iguanas will give you some time to understand how animals of these species react and behave. Their existence actually lies on your own hands.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Information On Iguanas
Information about Iguanas that can stop you from getting one
Having some basic information on iguana will make your decision whether to take one or not. Take note that having them as a pet is not because it is what your friends have. You should not only make the wrong assumption of thinking that it is the easiest pet to take care of and to have around.
Below are some informations that will help you decide why you should NOT have iguanas in your home.
1. Iguanas are not cheap.
The minimal amount that you pay for an iguana is only the beginning. What follows next are the series of equipments and accessories that is needed in caring for your iguana. There is the special cage with special lighting installed to keep its body heat.
You will also need some shelves for them to climb on and a timer to monitor changes in temperature. Feeding them is also a consideration. You need to buy green and leafy vegetables that are rich in calcium and vitamins to keep them healthy.
If you do not have the budget set aside for these things, then you should consider against having one as a pet.
2. Iguanas are not low maintenance pets.
They may look small enough not to cause you trouble or problems. That is just their appearance. As miniscule as they seem, they also need to be handled with care and given proper treatment just like any other pet.
Their places needed to be washed and cleaned. You also need to tame them yourself so that your iguana will grow up disciplined and manageable.
These things should be done on a daily basis so that the iguana will be trained early on. In addition, you may find it difficult to tame them once they are bigger and restless already.
3. Iguanas are not "huggable".
You cannot hold your iguana in your lap and cuddle with them like you do your cats, dogs or rabbits. Although you can put them in your shoulder or hold in your arms, you should adhere to some restrictions that will prove vital to your health and well being.
This is especially if you do not have a tamed iguana. Chances are, they will bite or scratch you at the first sign of contact.
4. Iguanas are not sociable.
Notice that no matter how much you try, you will not be able to build rapport between your iguana and other pets in the house. This is because iguanas consider other animals are enemies. For them, these animals are predators waiting to eat them up.
Since iguanas are not as big as any other kinds of pets, there is a big possibility that they might be stepped on or squashed when other pets start playing around in your home. That is why you find these iguanas all by themselves in a quiet and dark corner.
5. Iguanas are not the kind of pet for small children.
Do not agree with your child if ever they decide to have an iguana for a pet. This is because these reptiles are not suitable for minors who do not know about proper handling and caring.
Stick to dogs or cats if ever your child is not big enough to understand what iguanas are like as pets.
So, what information about iguana is stopping you?
Iguanas 2
Interesting Facts about Iguanas
Here are some things you might want to know about iguanas:
1) They are better suited to eating plants – some sources still continue to say that iguanas are omnivores. To say that iguanas will benefit from eating both plant and animal products would be mistake. This is because the metabolism of the iguana is better suited to absorbing plant proteins. The proteins found in animal products are just too complex to be properly utilized by iguanas. This means that not all proteins can be absorbed by their bodies as nutrients.
So what happens to the unabsorbed proteins? Well, it is usually stored as uric acid. This uric acid can have very harmful effects on your iguana. A build up of uric acid can cause gout. Getting rid of animal protein can also be very hard work for an iguana's kidneys. This means that feeding animal products to your iguana may cause it to have kidney problems. This shortens the iguana's life.
2) Iguanas can be trained – many people think that iguanas are stupid animals. However, people who own iguanas can actually attest to the opposite. A pet iguana can be trained to do many different things. Some people have toilet-trained their iguanas. Other people have trained their iguanas to do different types of tricks. Some iguanas can even find their way home!
These feats attest to the fact that iguanas are far from stupid. Sometimes, people just tend to judge other creatures as being lower than them.
3) They can grow up to six feet long – most people think that iguanas will always fit their cages. However, when an iguana is properly taken care of, it will grow up to six feet long! This means that you will have to prepare a habitat that can accommodate an iguana's growth. Some people may not be able to immediately provide a large enclosure for a six foot iguana. However, you should realize that an iguana will grow to that size and so you must always plan ahead.
4) Iguanas are arboreal – Wild iguanas spend most of their time on trees. What are the implications of this? Well, an iguana owner has to simulate an iguana's habitat. This means that you need to put some climbing materials on your iguana's enclosure. Of course, you don't have to put real trees inside the enclosure. However, you should consider placing a post or something that your iguana can climb on.
5) Iguanas need sunlight – some people think that artificial lights are good substitutes for sunlight in an iguana enclosure. However, what you need to know is that iguanas need sunlight not just for the visible light. An iguana utilizes UVA and UVB light in absorbing nutrients properly. This is because the UVB light triggers a chemical reaction in an iguana's skin which helps it make the vitamin D3. This vitamin is used to properly process calcium in the bloodstream.
These are just some of the little quirks that you may want to know about iguanas. As you can see, taking care of an iguana is not an easy task. In order to take proper care of an iguana, people should learn as much about them as possible. By taking these little details into consideration while caring for an iguana, you would assure the continued health of the iguana.
Man’s New Best Friend: iguanas
Dogs are man’s best friend.
That’s what we usually hear.
But would you believe if I tell you that iguanas can be your best friend, too?
Sure, we’ve heard a lot of stories about people treating dogs, cats, birds, and fishes as best friends. But how many would want large reptiles like snakes and lizards as best friends?
If you’re an ordinary pet owner, you might take a rain check on taking care of an iguana. But you’ll never know the joy being felt by those who dared to live up to the challenge.
Let’s take a look at some of the reasons to have an iguana as a pet:
1. Iguanas are vegetarians.
If you’re a pet owner, chances are, you have to go to a pet shop and buy food. It’s bearable if you have to buy only the simple dog food or cat meal, but what if you have to buy mice? Or worms, cockroaches, crickets, and the like? Most of the time you have to hold these tiny creatures and feed them to your pet – may they be affectionate or seemingly uncaring.
You don’t have to go to a pet shop to feed your iguana. You can simply pick greens from your garden or buy fresh vegetables from the grocery. Isn’t that simple?
2. Iguanas usually hit it off with their owners.
Unlike some lizards and snakes, iguanas are known to interact with their loving caretakers. Some would sleep beside their masters – evidence that iguanas can be very close to human beings.
Some are calm when held by their owners, but would twist and bite when held by a stranger. Nevertheless, some are so tame that anyone can hold them.
Some iguanas would even allow their owners to dress them up in silly outfits.
3. Iguanas live long.
We all would like to have a pet that would live very long since you’re going to invest emotion, not to mention money for food, medicine, and veterinary services.
While rats, hamsters, or bearded dragons may live only a few years, iguanas, like cats and dogs, may live up to 20 years.
Actually, the oldest iguana on record lived up to 29 years!
4. No hair or fur will stick to your clothes or worse, get into your nose!
If you’re asthmatic, you very well know the difficulty of being around animals that would make you sick. Iguanas, however, being reptiles, have none of the fur and hair that would send you to the hospital.
5. Iguanas are very educational.
Children will learn a lot when they care for iguanas. They have to know about temperature, rainforests, animal husbandry, importance of proper care of lizards, etc.
It maybe good to take note too that these lizards are distant relatives of dinosaurs and taking care of them will provide children with a venue for study of the prehistoric creatures.
Iguanas are good subjects for Show-and-Tell, research work, and the like as well.
As you can see, there are lots of reasons to become an iguana owner. Why not live up to the challenge? Go to your nearest pet shop and get an iguana for you and your family now!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Iguanas Lizards Photos
Proper Iguana Care Tips
One of the most exotic animals that are kept as pet nowadays is the iguana. Many pet shops do offer some iguanas at reasonable rates. Iguanas are now considered as among the extraordinary favorite pets of people of all ages. They see iguanas as cute strange pets, something weird and wonderful and out of the ordinary.
Just like any pet, iguanas need proper care and attention. Now people would think that it’s just easy to care for a pet iguana, but it’s not. There are some important things you have to consider when housing an iguana. In fact there are several iguana caring tips that you can find in the internet. These tips usually come with iguanas lizards photos to make the discussion more interesting and clear to the readers.
Some of the basic iguana care tips are discussed below:
A cage is needed to house the iguana unless you want them to roam freely in your house. The cage must be large enough to house your pet. The size will also vary based on the exact size of the iguana pet but the ideal size is up to 6 feet long. It is also important that there’s a sufficient supply of water in the cage, some stuff for the animal to climb on and a hiding place. The cage should be twice the size of the iguana since they are considered to be arboreal, meaning they love to climb.
Iguanas are herbivores. They eat different kinds of green leafy vegetable and fruits as well. Basically, their diet should be composed of tofu at least twice a week, lettuce, broccoli, berries like blackberries and raspberries, and oranges. Fresh food and water is the foremost thing that you have to take into account in taking good care of an iguana lizard. The water and food that should be served to the iguana should be fresh at all times. Unclean water as well as spoiled food can cause some health problems to the iguana that’s why it’s so important to choose the right food for your pet. It’s best to feed your pet lizard early in the morning. This is in view of the fact that food in the morning enables proper digestion.
The cage of your pet iguana should have proper heating. It is of high importance that the iguana should be heated by a light or heat pad. Hot rocks are not necessary for they can lead to the killing or burning of your pet iguana lizard. The ideal heating for the cage is approximately between 80 degrees Fahrenheit to 92 degrees Fahrenheit. If the iguana is not heated properly, it may lead to the iguana’s food indigestion.
Proper lighting is also of the essence in caring for an iguana. Iguanas when deprived with UV lighting usually become ill with a disease known as MBD or Metabolic Bone Disease. It’s important that your pet lizard is allowed to laze around under the sun. The cage should have special fluorescent that are usually purchased in pet shops that sell some pet supplies.
The cleanliness of your friend iguana is also of the essence. Your iguana and its cage should be cleaned regularly. Proper hygiene of your pet should be practiced so as to prevent it from getting sick. Iguanas are identified to be carrying bacteria known as Salmonella. To keep your pet iguana safe from the threats of these bacteria, it’s best to keep them clean all the time.
Iguanas Ecology
What You Need to Know about Iguana Ecology
Iguanas, specially the wild ones are crucial part of the ecosystem; a slight change in the population of Iguanas in the wild can harm the total balance of the ecosystem. So when setting up your own pet house you need to know things about the proper iguana ecology so that it can feel comfortable in your captivity.
One thing that you will probably notice is that iguana ecology is not an easy task to replicate and the iguanas themselves are not that easy to take care of too. Iguanas like most reptiles are solely dependant on their environment for their most basic needs like heat and body chemistry. Iguanas use wavelengths of light on its environment to aid with their metabolism.
These animals are very well-tailored to their natural habitat, which are humid and warm environment which can be very different from the confined cells that they are when in your captivity. So if you can provide an environment that is conducive to live in for the iguanas they might get sick or even die.
Basically an iguana needs the following to survive under captivity: A large cage or room is a crucial thing in your iguanas growth, you have to keep in mind that a fully grown and properly cared for iguana can grow up to six feet long. A large 55 gallon aquarium is barely enough in your iguanas first year growth.
At most the minimum height of an iguana’s cage should be six feet tall and twice the length of the Iguana. Iguanas are know to be arboreal so they feel much comfortable up on high places like a tree so be sure to include even just a small branch on you cage for them to hang on. The total width of your iguana’s cage must be at least half the iguana’s length.
The rule of the thumb should be the larger the cage the healthier.
A small cage can harm your iguana’s growth and can even injure and stress them out. They can even cause muscle weakness due to the small amount of space that they can crawl in causing them to be stagnant on one place and build fat and hinder the much needed exercise to burn them.
The room temperature should also be taken into consideration, a basking should be provided with a temperature of ninety to ninety-five degrees Fahrenheit and the air temperature should not be lower than that what they are accustomed to which is eighty degrees Fahrenheit.
Proper room temperature aids the iguanas with their digestion process. On the other hand, the inadequate supply of it can cause illness in your iguana’s digestive system.
Your iguana should also have a day and night cycle so you have to find ways to provide heat without the lights on night times.
As you can notice, providing your iguana with the right kind of habitat is crucial to its health and growth. These things that are stated about are a must for an iguana to be able to survive in your captivity. Not being able to provide this stuff may cause death to your pet. Just try to get the right information about your iguanas need and everything will work out just fine. Having an iguana pet is not an easy thing but it I surely an enjoyable sight to watch your iguana grow.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Green iguanas
People who often green iguanas have their own specific ideas about it. These myths could disrupt a person's ability, proper maintenance a green iguana to take. Some of these myths can be not too harmful. However, some of these myths to health and well-being a green iguana could be dangerous. Here are some common myths about green iguanas you should know:
(1) You can salad, green iguanas feed - this myth has some truth to it. Of course, as are green iguanas best on a vegetarian diet, you can feed it salad. However, you should recognize the fact that most kinds of salad salad have very little nutritional value. Some people realize this, if it is already too late the iguana diet change. This is because a green iguana is fed mainly salad continue to eat salad, even though its diet be added to better food.
If you want to take the proper care of your green iguana, you should feed it vegetables, which have high nutritional value. Examples: Cabbage, turnip greens and mustard green.
2) Iguanas are not outgrown their cages - some people think that keep iguanas in small cages will lead to their proliferation to braked. These people offer small cages for the iguanas to keep it in a convenient size. This helps definitely not your green iguana. A green iguana, if properly taken care of can grow up to six meters long. This means that it will keep in a small cage only your green iguana lives very unpleasant make is feat.
3) Iguanas need to consume gravel to help their digestion - that is a very dangerous myth. Some people add gravel or small pebbles an iguana housing help because they think that this is a green iguana Digest his food. However, you should realize that gravel or such material could kill your green iguana, when it is consumed. You should try to avoid, feed your green iguana of these materials, whether accidental or intentional.
(4) Hot stones are ideal for heating – some people add housing hot stones a green iguana, think that these rocks good for an iguana are body temperature. What you have to remember, is that green iguanas are cold blooded. This means that when a green iguana sits on a hot stone, it can be cooked literally to death. If you want to enable the right heater for a green iguana enclosure, use special lighting available in the most pet stores.
5) Iguanas can eat insects, food for pets and other animal products – today many sources nor explain that iguanas should be given to animal protein as part of their diet. The truth, however, is that green iguanas are best suited a herbivorous diet. Body and metabolism to a green iguana who effectively to use vegetable proteins. Animal proteins, can on the other hand, as a very disturbing to them. Consumption of animal protein can cause that your green iguana, to develop gout. It can also lead to serious kidney problems. The only reason that iguanas eat insects in the wild is because they get accidentally mixed up with their food.
These are just some of the myths you've heard about green iguanas. By the know the truth about these myths, you are equipped to a green iguana now the best care possible.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Facts about iguanas
How you ever wondered what making the body of an iguana? Now, if you take care of itself an iguana are interested in, you better be aware and take account of these important facts about iguanas.
The term iguana is typically used to refer to all kinds of lizard as the iguanas family members. As a general knowledge, the iguanas possess powerful but short limbs with their sharp claws added. These claws are used for digging and climbing. Yes, they love to climb, which is why a number of branches must be established for rock climbing in their tanks. The strong tails are used for their defense mechanism.
They stick it in the air, especially if a predator it corners. Their tails are used as well for bathing. The dewlap is a large flap of skin, which is included on the sides of the body especially in the areas of the throat of a male iguana is used to either a predator to intimidate or impress an another female iguana. The dewlap which also works with regulating their body temperature. In addition the iguanas contain also some coat of arms of very soft spikes, drawing up the middle section of the back and neck. Relatively, the male iguanas have longer spines in contrast to the female iguanas.
Seem size exceed the male iguanas. Larger heads and brighter body have colors compared to the females. The body of the male iguana is much different during the breeding season. Physically, the male and the female iguanas contain twelve to thirteen pores underneath the sides of her thighs. The pores are the ones which secrete the waxy substance with which they mark their territories and to recognize each of them. If the male iguanas mature, come to develop their own femoral pores some external projections, which they tend to use in the copulation strategy, to take an understanding of the female iguana.
The skin of the iguana is filled with very minute scales. They are not able to change their skin colors as the fact of chameleons but when she get exposed to light, some parts of her skin darker in color. The young iguanas appear in light green in addition to ringed with black colored his cock. As they tire, their colors turn out to be, grow to more earthly colored especially in their body and tail are mostly dark.
Back in their natural habitat, it seems the iguanas carefully they be, always felt that the danger near them. She could always be spotted running and hide. They use their accurate vision, fine sense hear and smell so that she could better ensure their own survival. You can appear sometimes to clumsy, but then the iguanas are good swimmers and tree climbers. Typically morning sun on the trees and they can jump into the water, whenever they sense danger.
Pairing produced occurrence of iguanas in the period from January to February. The female iguana tend for two months pregnant, and then you come to at the time of egg laying, female iguana digs in the ground or sand deposit the eggs range from 25 to 40 eggs. After two weeks, the pups in the world can come.
The iguanas could be great pets provided that you know how to take care of them. You are inherently high maintenance costs. But then everything will pay off if you just learn to how to properly care for your pet.
Desert iguanas
(1) Description: the desert is iguana (Dipsosaurus Dorsalis) 10, 16 cm long, if grown out. It has a large, round body with a long tail. In fact is the tail of the desert iguana is longer than the body. Described as "Blunt-tip", desert iguanas have very different coloring. The head of the desert iguana is coloured Brown. This coloration diffuses into reddish brown pattern, the as looked like a network could be described.
The desert iguana has gray spots on the body and neck. Desert iguanas have also dark spots on its white or grey tail. A number of dorsal scales the desert iguana is located in the middle of the back.
(2) Habitat - as gleamed from the common names can be, lives the desert iguana in dry desert areas. Desert iguanas are often in the Sonoran and Mojave deserts founding in the southwestern of United States found. They are located in the Northwest of Mexico and some islands in the Gulf of California. In the southern part of its Habitat, the desert iguana usually in arid subtropical areas and deciduous Woods lives.
These animals usually around the area of the creosote Bush can be found in the desert. Desert iguana of the creosote Bush uses for shelter and food. There are also several cases of desert iguanas in the abandoned camps of kangaroo rats.
They are hardy animals, often actively, even if other lizards have already withdrawn from the heat. They are also inclined to dig into the ground in the vicinity of creosote bushes.
(3) Food – desert iguanas are primarily herbivores. This means that they tend to eat plant material. You will be eating, Bud, leaves and fruits of many species of annual or perennial plants that are found in their habitats. You are attracted in particular the yellow flowers of the creosote plant.
(4) Conduct - as I said, desert iguanas also over heat remain active. However, if the heat proves too much, a desert iguana shrubs climbs to find cooler temperatures. They are very fast and they can often seen crossing roads just before an oncoming car. When a desert iguana at these speeds, it often two legs, etc. It folds its front legs close to his body and uses its powerful hind legs to propel it forward.
(5) Natural enemies such as other animals, desert iguanas have natural enemies. In fact, even before they hatch, there area many animals would eat the iguana eggs. A mature desert iguana has various birds of prey as its natural enemy.
Other common predators of the desert iguana are small animals such as rats, weasels, foxes and snakes. It is also a common enemy of the iguana. Many a desert iguana has victims to the automobile. These desert iguanas are you now termed "Roadkill", by people who drive these machines carelessly and without regard for the life of small animals.
These are just a few facts about desert iguanas. As you can see, there are many things about it, people need to know. I hope these facts have opened your eyes and have you shown that desert iguanas of much more than just stupid medium sized lizards. You will learn everything that you about desert iguanas can, you will soon know able fully to appreciate its beauty.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Baby iguanas
If baby dogs, cats, or rabbits, then there are also baby iguanas. It is at this stage that contain in their weakest this iguanas need love your care. Although they seem like simply, are to take in their small appearance, proper care is required, so that they are healthy in their older years.
Just like any juvenile pet, there are certain requirements that you must provide for your baby iguana. They are though not so meticulously and as a stove to get, you should also check if these things for your iguana will be perfect as any other pet food. You do not want them to sick and even die before you see them in their full size now you?
Here are some of the most important factors you will notice if your iguana care baby need.
1. Protection.
Do not just another type of cage. Although it does not matter how it is done, you must consider what should be in the cage, the iguana need.
An example is something in them that will keep your pet warm during the night. Check out for carpets or artificial grass to cover the floor of the cage. If you have not the budget for it, you can decide for newspapers because they work just as well.
Because live iguanas on trees, you need some branches for your pet to climb to establish. Part of their spare time and movements are climbing on branches. So make sure that the branches are sturdy enough to keep her weight on the case, put them up on it.
2. Temperature.
Baby iguanas should always warm to stay healthy. Because you have no way, you say this simply by looking at them, you can put a thermometer in their cage so you can monitor the changes in temperature in the cage.
Make sure that you maintain a temperature of 70 degrees at night and 85 degrees on the day. It is also a good idea for the cage for their accommodation close to heat sources. They will see that your pet is inclined to have a comfortable rest, if they remain close is radiated to the heat.
Special temperature monitoring is required in the cold season. Periodically review the animal shelter. She don't want that your pet without having to freeze to death.
3. Food intake.
Iguanas baby need a diet that is rich in vitamin D3, phosphorus and calcium. Many of the Greens are also required. You can also give them vegetables and fruits you consume.
Baby iguanas are not used that fed any kind of food. Their digestive system is not as strong and as flexible as dogs or cats. What type of food you know that they can take and what they cannot.
Their baby iguana can grow up healthy and strong by the care of them the way you any kind of animal. If it is absolutely necessary, you can consult a veterinarian, who specialized that far exceeds your understanding in Iguanar for things. You will be in the position you solid advice on your baby iguana and things, which you need to do.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Man’s New Best Friend: iguanas
Dogs are man’s best friend.
That’s what we usually hear.
But would you believe if I tell you that iguanas can be your best friend, too?
Sure, we’ve heard a lot of stories about people treating dogs, cats, birds, and fishes as best friends. But how many would want large reptiles like snakes and lizards as best friends?
If you’re an ordinary pet owner, you might take a rain check on taking care of an iguana. But you’ll never know the joy being felt by those who dared to live up to the challenge.
Let’s take a look at some of the reasons to have an iguana as a pet:
1. Iguanas are vegetarians.
If you’re a pet owner, chances are, you have to go to a pet shop and buy food. It’s bearable if you have to buy only the simple dog food or cat meal, but what if you have to buy mice? Or worms, cockroaches, crickets, and the like? Most of the time you have to hold these tiny creatures and feed them to your pet – may they be affectionate or seemingly uncaring.
You don’t have to go to a pet shop to feed your iguana. You can simply pick greens from your garden or buy fresh vegetables from the grocery. Isn’t that simple?
2. Iguanas usually hit it off with their owners.
Unlike some lizards and snakes, iguanas are known to interact with their loving caretakers. Some would sleep beside their masters – evidence that iguanas can be very close to human beings.
Some are calm when held by their owners, but would twist and bite when held by a stranger. Nevertheless, some are so tame that anyone can hold them.
Some iguanas would even allow their owners to dress them up in silly outfits.
3. Iguanas live long.
We all would like to have a pet that would live very long since you’re going to invest emotion, not to mention money for food, medicine, and veterinary services.
While rats, hamsters, or bearded dragons may live only a few years, iguanas, like cats and dogs, may live up to 20 years.
Actually, the oldest iguana on record lived up to 29 years!
4. No hair or fur will stick to your clothes or worse, get into your nose!
If you’re asthmatic, you very well know the difficulty of being around animals that would make you sick. Iguanas, however, being reptiles, have none of the fur and hair that would send you to the hospital.
5. Iguanas are very educational.
Children will learn a lot when they care for iguanas. They have to know about temperature, rainforests, animal husbandry, importance of proper care of lizards, etc.
It maybe good to take note too that these lizards are distant relatives of dinosaurs and taking care of them will provide children with a venue for study of the prehistoric creatures.
Iguanas are good subjects for Show-and-Tell, research work, and the like as well.
As you can see, there are lots of reasons to become an iguana owner. Why not live up to the challenge? Go to your nearest pet shop and get an iguana for you and your family now!
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Types Of Iguanas
Types of Iguanas: Getting to know them
Iguanas basically belong to the lizard family called Iguanidae. Their most common characteristics include elongated tails, eyelids and four rambling legs. Like most reptiles all types of iguanas are cold blooded and can reach a life span of up to 20 years.
Iguanas are naturally found in Mexico and The Central and Southern part of the Americas and some are found in the Lesser Antilles Islands, Hawaii, Florida and California.
Most type of iguanas are arboreal which can be found on living on trees but some also inhabits the desserts, rocky terrains and even near sea side caves which are called the marine iguanas.
There are basically eight types of iguanas within the Iguanidae family. The Genus Cyrclura, Genus Amblyrhyncus, Genus Conolophus, Genus Ctenosauria, Genus Dipsosaurus, Genus Sauromalus, Genus Brachylophus.
The Genus Cyrclura is also commonly known as the rock iguana which can be in most parts of the Caribbean Islands, these types of iguana are under the protection of endangered species so they are scarcely sold or traded but if ever you find one on a shop they are mostly captive bred.
These types of iguanas, the Genus Amblyrhyncus are known as the marine iguanas or the Galapagos Marine Iguana.
These types of iguana is the most hard to be reserved in confinement for the reason that they feed on a diet which is basically close to impossible to produce commercially which is the Marine Algae.
Genus Conolophus, these are the closest relatives of the marine iguana. This type of iguana is also called the Galapagos Land Iguana they basically feed on plants and cactus.
Genus Ctenosauria this are mainly called the spiny tailed iguanas and are native to Mexico and Central America. They are small compared to other iguanas because they can only grow from 5 inches up to 35 inches.
The most outstanding feature of this creature is the large scales on its tail. They are grouped as omnivores which basically feed on fruits and flowers as well as small insects.
Genus Dipsosaurus consists of the dessert iguanas of the Southern America and Mexico. This kind of iguanas is full-bodied with an apex of elevated and expanded scales on its back.
They have cream to white colored bellies and are spotted with white dots and stripe colored tails. They can grow up to 15 inches long with a tail that is as twice as long as its body.
Genus Sauromalus is also known as the Chuckwalla which is a robust herbaceous iguana commonly found in United States and Mexico. These types of iguanas are strict vegetarians they confine themselves with eating only fruits, leaves and flowers.
Chuckwallas have skins that hang loosely on its fat body; they love heat and do not basically moves in the morning until the heat reaches a hundred degrees.
To shove of the extra heat they either change color to reflect the suns heat or hide in the shade. Chuckwallas is also good for captivity as a pet cause they do not move that much.
Lastly the Genus Brachylophus or known as the Fijian banded Iguana which is found in the island of Fiji and Tonga.
Iguanas nowadays are coined as endangered species and illegal possession of any types of iguanas is punishable by law so be sure that if you want an iguana as a pet, have it registered first in a legal process and consult some veterinarians for some advices and guidelines in preparing to adopt an Iguana.
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Thursday, December 29, 2011
Information On Iguanas
Information about Iguanas that can stop you from getting one
Having some basic information on iguana will make your decision whether to take one or not. Take note that having them as a pet is not because it is what your friends have. You should not only make the wrong assumption of thinking that it is the easiest pet to take care of and to have around.
Below are some informations that will help you decide why you should NOT have iguanas in your home.
1. Iguanas are not cheap.
The minimal amount that you pay for an iguana is only the beginning. What follows next are the series of equipments and accessories that is needed in caring for your iguana. There is the special cage with special lighting installed to keep its body heat.
You will also need some shelves for them to climb on and a timer to monitor changes in temperature. Feeding them is also a consideration. You need to buy green and leafy vegetables that are rich in calcium and vitamins to keep them healthy.
If you do not have the budget set aside for these things, then you should consider against having one as a pet.
2. Iguanas are not low maintenance pets.
They may look small enough not to cause you trouble or problems. That is just their appearance. As miniscule as they seem, they also need to be handled with care and given proper treatment just like any other pet.
Their places needed to be washed and cleaned. You also need to tame them yourself so that your iguana will grow up disciplined and manageable.
These things should be done on a daily basis so that the iguana will be trained early on. In addition, you may find it difficult to tame them once they are bigger and restless already.
3. Iguanas are not "huggable".
You cannot hold your iguana in your lap and cuddle with them like you do your cats, dogs or rabbits. Although you can put them in your shoulder or hold in your arms, you should adhere to some restrictions that will prove vital to your health and well being.
This is especially if you do not have a tamed iguana. Chances are, they will bite or scratch you at the first sign of contact.
4. Iguanas are not sociable.
Notice that no matter how much you try, you will not be able to build rapport between your iguana and other pets in the house. This is because iguanas consider other animals are enemies. For them, these animals are predators waiting to eat them up.
Since iguanas are not as big as any other kinds of pets, there is a big possibility that they might be stepped on or squashed when other pets start playing around in your home. That is why you find these iguanas all by themselves in a quiet and dark corner.
5. Iguanas are not the kind of pet for small children.
Do not agree with your child if ever they decide to have an iguana for a pet. This is because these reptiles are not suitable for minors who do not know about proper handling and caring.
Stick to dogs or cats if ever your child is not big enough to understand what iguanas are like as pets.
So, what information about iguana is stopping you?
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Iguanas 2
Interesting Facts about Iguanas
Here are some things you might want to know about iguanas:
1) They are better suited to eating plants – some sources still continue to say that iguanas are omnivores. To say that iguanas will benefit from eating both plant and animal products would be mistake. This is because the metabolism of the iguana is better suited to absorbing plant proteins. The proteins found in animal products are just too complex to be properly utilized by iguanas. This means that not all proteins can be absorbed by their bodies as nutrients.
So what happens to the unabsorbed proteins? Well, it is usually stored as uric acid. This uric acid can have very harmful effects on your iguana. A build up of uric acid can cause gout. Getting rid of animal protein can also be very hard work for an iguana's kidneys. This means that feeding animal products to your iguana may cause it to have kidney problems. This shortens the iguana's life.
2) Iguanas can be trained – many people think that iguanas are stupid animals. However, people who own iguanas can actually attest to the opposite. A pet iguana can be trained to do many different things. Some people have toilet-trained their iguanas. Other people have trained their iguanas to do different types of tricks. Some iguanas can even find their way home!
These feats attest to the fact that iguanas are far from stupid. Sometimes, people just tend to judge other creatures as being lower than them.
3) They can grow up to six feet long – most people think that iguanas will always fit their cages. However, when an iguana is properly taken care of, it will grow up to six feet long! This means that you will have to prepare a habitat that can accommodate an iguana's growth. Some people may not be able to immediately provide a large enclosure for a six foot iguana. However, you should realize that an iguana will grow to that size and so you must always plan ahead.
4) Iguanas are arboreal – Wild iguanas spend most of their time on trees. What are the implications of this? Well, an iguana owner has to simulate an iguana's habitat. This means that you need to put some climbing materials on your iguana's enclosure. Of course, you don't have to put real trees inside the enclosure. However, you should consider placing a post or something that your iguana can climb on.
5) Iguanas need sunlight – some people think that artificial lights are good substitutes for sunlight in an iguana enclosure. However, what you need to know is that iguanas need sunlight not just for the visible light. An iguana utilizes UVA and UVB light in absorbing nutrients properly. This is because the UVB light triggers a chemical reaction in an iguana's skin which helps it make the vitamin D3. This vitamin is used to properly process calcium in the bloodstream.
These are just some of the little quirks that you may want to know about iguanas. As you can see, taking care of an iguana is not an easy task. In order to take proper care of an iguana, people should learn as much about them as possible. By taking these little details into consideration while caring for an iguana, you would assure the continued health of the iguana.
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Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Iguanas Ecology
What You Need to Know about Iguana Ecology
Iguanas, specially the wild ones are crucial part of the ecosystem; a slight change in the population of Iguanas in the wild can harm the total balance of the ecosystem. So when setting up your own pet house you need to know things about the proper iguana ecology so that it can feel comfortable in your captivity.
One thing that you will probably notice is that iguana ecology is not an easy task to replicate and the iguanas themselves are not that easy to take care of too. Iguanas like most reptiles are solely dependant on their environment for their most basic needs like heat and body chemistry. Iguanas use wavelengths of light on its environment to aid with their metabolism.
These animals are very well-tailored to their natural habitat, which are humid and warm environment which can be very different from the confined cells that they are when in your captivity. So if you can provide an environment that is conducive to live in for the iguanas they might get sick or even die.
Basically an iguana needs the following to survive under captivity: A large cage or room is a crucial thing in your iguanas growth, you have to keep in mind that a fully grown and properly cared for iguana can grow up to six feet long. A large 55 gallon aquarium is barely enough in your iguanas first year growth.
At most the minimum height of an iguana’s cage should be six feet tall and twice the length of the Iguana. Iguanas are know to be arboreal so they feel much comfortable up on high places like a tree so be sure to include even just a small branch on you cage for them to hang on. The total width of your iguana’s cage must be at least half the iguana’s length.
The rule of the thumb should be the larger the cage the healthier.
A small cage can harm your iguana’s growth and can even injure and stress them out. They can even cause muscle weakness due to the small amount of space that they can crawl in causing them to be stagnant on one place and build fat and hinder the much needed exercise to burn them.
The room temperature should also be taken into consideration, a basking should be provided with a temperature of ninety to ninety-five degrees Fahrenheit and the air temperature should not be lower than that what they are accustomed to which is eighty degrees Fahrenheit.
Proper room temperature aids the iguanas with their digestion process. On the other hand, the inadequate supply of it can cause illness in your iguana’s digestive system.
Your iguana should also have a day and night cycle so you have to find ways to provide heat without the lights on night times.
As you can notice, providing your iguana with the right kind of habitat is crucial to its health and growth. These things that are stated about are a must for an iguana to be able to survive in your captivity. Not being able to provide this stuff may cause death to your pet. Just try to get the right information about your iguanas need and everything will work out just fine. Having an iguana pet is not an easy thing but it I surely an enjoyable sight to watch your iguana grow.
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Pictures Of Iguanas
New Pet Iguana - Tame Them
Iguanas belong to the family of lizards. Like most reptiles, iguanas belong to the cold-blooded animals whose body temperature changes with the temperature of the air or water around it that is why iguanas have excellent capability to survive to the environment.
Iguanas have a long, whip-like tails, eyelids, four sprawling legs, big mouth and saw-like teeth. Iguanas are of different species. They may differ in behavior, size and color which may vary from green to yellow. Some has a vivid color, some has dull color. These creatures usually have a life span of 15-20 years in captivity.
Iguanas have its unique adaptation to its habitat. The Marine Iguanas are skillful swimmer, the Green iguanas can usually be found in rainforest, and others, like the desert iguanas have the ability to adapt and survive even in dry and hot desert.
There are iguanas that are readily available in pet shops. These have gain the popularity of iguanas for pet. It is challenging to own iguanas especially in taming it. Unlike cats and dogs, iguanas are not domesticated animals. It takes time before they become comfortable and tame. They have still the instinct and behavior that help them survive in the wild even after years of captivity and breed.
It is also very important when handling iguanas, to make sure they are comfortable. Iguanas are sometimes territorial aggressive creatures. In taming them, you need to be patient. It is best to handle them daily. In handling them, do not swoop your hand from above them, they may think you’re a predator, remember these creatures are used to wild habitat. Instead, bring your hand to its eye level and approach them slowly. Don’t make any fast moves. There are pictures of iguanas and how to handle them that may give you vivid picture on how to handle them. Talking and whispering while you are approaching them may also help. Handling your iguanas on daily basis and spending time with them will gradually tame them. Understanding their body language and their real meaning, like bobbing of their head, whipping their tail will help you interact with your pet better.
There are highly debated topics when it comes to feeding or what to feed to your iguanas. Iguanas are basically herbivore creatures. They eat leaves, fruits and flowers. Improper feeding may result to death or sickness of your pet. Iguanas are strictly vegetarian. Although there are books that say iguanas can be fed other animal protein based foods. It is recommended for them to have a varied diet.
Iguanas have saw-like teeth that they use to rip and tear their food instead of chewing it. Clean and chop the food finely before giving it to them. It is important for your iguanas to have strong and healthy bones. Providing them with a wide variety fresh food that is high in calcium and phosphorous and clean water is good for your iguanas’ diet. Iguanas should be fed daily. At least two leafy green each day.
The amount of food that you may give to your iguana depends on the size and the appetite of your pet. It would be best to give them enough food that will last all day and even leave food at night. You can also find tables of good food that you can feed to your iguanas.
Reading up more information about iguanas, such as how to tame them, proper training, handling and proper feeding them will help you successfully kept them for years.
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Friday, December 23, 2011
Iguanas Lizards Photos
Proper Iguana Care Tips
One of the most exotic animals that are kept as pet nowadays is the iguana. Many pet shops do offer some iguanas at reasonable rates. Iguanas are now considered as among the extraordinary favorite pets of people of all ages. They see iguanas as cute strange pets, something weird and wonderful and out of the ordinary.
Just like any pet, iguanas need proper care and attention. Now people would think that it’s just easy to care for a pet iguana, but it’s not. There are some important things you have to consider when housing an iguana. In fact there are several iguana caring tips that you can find in the internet. These tips usually come with iguanas lizards photos to make the discussion more interesting and clear to the readers.
Some of the basic iguana care tips are discussed below:
A cage is needed to house the iguana unless you want them to roam freely in your house. The cage must be large enough to house your pet. The size will also vary based on the exact size of the iguana pet but the ideal size is up to 6 feet long. It is also important that there’s a sufficient supply of water in the cage, some stuff for the animal to climb on and a hiding place. The cage should be twice the size of the iguana since they are considered to be arboreal, meaning they love to climb.
Iguanas are herbivores. They eat different kinds of green leafy vegetable and fruits as well. Basically, their diet should be composed of tofu at least twice a week, lettuce, broccoli, berries like blackberries and raspberries, and oranges. Fresh food and water is the foremost thing that you have to take into account in taking good care of an iguana lizard. The water and food that should be served to the iguana should be fresh at all times. Unclean water as well as spoiled food can cause some health problems to the iguana that’s why it’s so important to choose the right food for your pet. It’s best to feed your pet lizard early in the morning. This is in view of the fact that food in the morning enables proper digestion.
The cage of your pet iguana should have proper heating. It is of high importance that the iguana should be heated by a light or heat pad. Hot rocks are not necessary for they can lead to the killing or burning of your pet iguana lizard. The ideal heating for the cage is approximately between 80 degrees Fahrenheit to 92 degrees Fahrenheit. If the iguana is not heated properly, it may lead to the iguana’s food indigestion.
Proper lighting is also of the essence in caring for an iguana. Iguanas when deprived with UV lighting usually become ill with a disease known as MBD or Metabolic Bone Disease. It’s important that your pet lizard is allowed to laze around under the sun. The cage should have special fluorescent that are usually purchased in pet shops that sell some pet supplies.
The cleanliness of your friend iguana is also of the essence. Your iguana and its cage should be cleaned regularly. Proper hygiene of your pet should be practiced so as to prevent it from getting sick. Iguanas are identified to be carrying bacteria known as Salmonella. To keep your pet iguana safe from the threats of these bacteria, it’s best to keep them clean all the time.
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Thursday, December 22, 2011
Pet Iguanas
Pet Iguanas: What can You Expect from Them?
Nearly thousands of people are currently keeping pet iguanas in their homes. But then certainly, there are a few valuable information to note of when intending to keep pet iguanas. The pet stores give pertinent information to the buyers of these reptiles especially when it comes to their behavior, caging, lifestyle, and diet. The internet also hosts the most worthy information about taking care of pet iguanas. So if you are a budding owner of pet iguanas, this article is just for you.
Iguanas are the most popular lizards that are taken home to be pets. They rank to be among today’s pet “fads”. They are even sold in the most affordable prices in several pet stores. They are not that difficult to take care of but of course they are to be highly maintained. Things such as veterinary medications, feeding techniques, caging tips, and many others are among the most particular things to consider when getting pet iguanas. Yes, the pet iguanas must be properly caged and well-fed so as not to risk their long life span. They become very huge that owners may think they will be hard to tame, feed, and control. At times, the bigger and matured iguanas can become really aggressive. They may also attempt several times to escape.
So what should you expect from a pet iguana? Obviously, what you need to give your pet iguana is sufficient tender loving care. Aside from that, you should also maintain right sanitation within its cage. You must be careful to handle your iguanas especially when there are children, pregnant women, elderly people, and not yet immunized individuals that try to be in contact with your pet iguanas.
Which iguana will be right for you to take care of? The "Iguana iguana" or the rainforest green iguana ranks to be the most-sought after pet iguana by many people. These plant-eating lizards find solace in the shrubby places. If you intend to have them as pets, you must create a homey environment for them. It will be utterly significant to provide branches that will allow them to bask under the heat of the sun that will be allowed to enter into their housing. More so, alternative heat sources can be utilized. You just have to be careful not to let your pet iguanas reach the bulbs and other heater devices or else they will get burned.
It is also important that you know of its digestive makeup. The iguanas are known to be Hind-Gut fermenters which mean that their lower intestinal tracts play a major role for their survival. Such digestive tract is held to be responsible for the production of the fatty acids, water reabsorption, vitamins, and many others. Malnutrition and uncleanness often result to sickness and death of the pet iguanas. Overall, you must learn how to cater to the food and habitat needs of your supposed to be pet iguana.
Like any other living being, the pet iguanas have their own taste preferences. They may or may not like certain foods that you will give. It is better to study the overall profile of your pet iguana so that it can live its life to the fullest. Having pet iguanas will give you some time to understand how animals of these species react and behave. Their existence actually lies on your own hands.
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