Thursday, December 29, 2011

Iguanas 2

Interesting Facts about Iguanas

Here are some things you might want to know about iguanas:

1) They are better suited to eating plants – some sources still continue to say that iguanas are omnivores. To say that iguanas will benefit from eating both plant and animal products would be mistake. This is because the metabolism of the iguana is better suited to absorbing plant proteins. The proteins found in animal products are just too complex to be properly utilized by iguanas. This means that not all proteins can be absorbed by their bodies as nutrients.

So what happens to the unabsorbed proteins? Well, it is usually stored as uric acid. This uric acid can have very harmful effects on your iguana. A build up of uric acid can cause gout. Getting rid of animal protein can also be very hard work for an iguana's kidneys. This means that feeding animal products to your iguana may cause it to have kidney problems. This shortens the iguana's life.

2) Iguanas can be trained – many people think that iguanas are stupid animals. However, people who own iguanas can actually attest to the opposite. A pet iguana can be trained to do many different things. Some people have toilet-trained their iguanas. Other people have trained their iguanas to do different types of tricks. Some iguanas can even find their way home!

These feats attest to the fact that iguanas are far from stupid. Sometimes, people just tend to judge other creatures as being lower than them.

3) They can grow up to six feet long – most people think that iguanas will always fit their cages. However, when an iguana is properly taken care of, it will grow up to six feet long! This means that you will have to prepare a habitat that can accommodate an iguana's growth. Some people may not be able to immediately provide a large enclosure for a six foot iguana. However, you should realize that an iguana will grow to that size and so you must always plan ahead.

4) Iguanas are arboreal – Wild iguanas spend most of their time on trees. What are the implications of this? Well, an iguana owner has to simulate an iguana's habitat. This means that you need to put some climbing materials on your iguana's enclosure. Of course, you don't have to put real trees inside the enclosure. However, you should consider placing a post or something that your iguana can climb on.

5) Iguanas need sunlight – some people think that artificial lights are good substitutes for sunlight in an iguana enclosure. However, what you need to know is that iguanas need sunlight not just for the visible light. An iguana utilizes UVA and UVB light in absorbing nutrients properly. This is because the UVB light triggers a chemical reaction in an iguana's skin which helps it make the vitamin D3. This vitamin is used to properly process calcium in the bloodstream.

These are just some of the little quirks that you may want to know about iguanas. As you can see, taking care of an iguana is not an easy task. In order to take proper care of an iguana, people should learn as much about them as possible. By taking these little details into consideration while caring for an iguana, you would assure the continued health of the iguana.

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Iguanas Ecology

What You Need to Know about Iguana Ecology

Iguanas, specially the wild ones are crucial part of the ecosystem; a slight change in the population of Iguanas in the wild can harm the total balance of the ecosystem. So when setting up your own pet house you need to know things about the proper iguana ecology so that it can feel comfortable in your captivity.

One thing that you will probably notice is that iguana ecology is not an easy task to replicate and the iguanas themselves are not that easy to take care of too. Iguanas like most reptiles are solely dependant on their environment for their most basic needs like heat and body chemistry. Iguanas use wavelengths of light on its environment to aid with their metabolism.

These animals are very well-tailored to their natural habitat, which are humid and warm environment which can be very different from the confined cells that they are when in your captivity. So if you can provide an environment that is conducive to live in for the iguanas they might get sick or even die.

Basically an iguana needs the following to survive under captivity: A large cage or room is a crucial thing in your iguanas growth, you have to keep in mind that a fully grown and properly cared for iguana can grow up to six feet long. A large 55 gallon aquarium is barely enough in your iguanas first year growth.

At most the minimum height of an iguana’s cage should be six feet tall and twice the length of the Iguana. Iguanas are know to be arboreal so they feel much comfortable up on high places like a tree so be sure to include even just a small branch on you cage for them to hang on. The total width of your iguana’s cage must be at least half the iguana’s length.

The rule of the thumb should be the larger the cage the healthier.

A small cage can harm your iguana’s growth and can even injure and stress them out. They can even cause muscle weakness due to the small amount of space that they can crawl in causing them to be stagnant on one place and build fat and hinder the much needed exercise to burn them.

The room temperature should also be taken into consideration, a basking should be provided with a temperature of ninety to ninety-five degrees Fahrenheit and the air temperature should not be lower than that what they are accustomed to which is eighty degrees Fahrenheit.

Proper room temperature aids the iguanas with their digestion process. On the other hand, the inadequate supply of it can cause illness in your iguana’s digestive system.

Your iguana should also have a day and night cycle so you have to find ways to provide heat without the lights on night times.

As you can notice, providing your iguana with the right kind of habitat is crucial to its health and growth. These things that are stated about are a must for an iguana to be able to survive in your captivity. Not being able to provide this stuff may cause death to your pet. Just try to get the right information about your iguanas need and everything will work out just fine. Having an iguana pet is not an easy thing but it I surely an enjoyable sight to watch your iguana grow.

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Iguana 2

A Society that Cares: The Green Iguana Society

How much do you know about green iguanas?

Here are some fast facts about these animals:

• Green iguanas are also called common iguanas.

• They are so “common” that many people like them for a pet.

• Though green iguanas are expected to be green, they may also be brown in color.

• Iguanas are herbivores, eating fruits, flowers, growing spurts, and leaves of trees, on which they usually live.

• They can be found in South and Central America, some islands in the Pacific, and Florida, United States.

• If well taken care of, a green iguana in captivity can live for more than 20 years. The oldest pet green iguana on record lived as long as 29 years.

• Green iguanas are considered as a threatened species because its habitat is slowly disappearing.

There are a lot of other things that one can know about the green iguana. Bearing the information above and much more in mind, three individuals decided to form an organization of online volunteers that will provide accurate information, such as the ones above, to people who want to learn about the iguanas.

And so, in the fall of 1999, the Green Iguana Society was born.

Green Iguana Society

The founders of Green Iguana Society had the following goals for the organization’s website:

• It will be a venue for finding out how to feed green iguanas and how to become an owner of one, as well as the kind of veterinarian one should consult.

• The website will serve as a valuable and convenient source of information, such that enthusiasts need not go through tons of reptile writings, or frightened away by overzealous crusaders.

• It will be an important provider of correct information anytime interested people need or want any information about the green iguana.

• And last, but not the least, the website will encourage people to move toward improved caring for the iguana and a greater comprehension of the issues involved with owning one.

The website tackles many aspects of taking care of the green iguana. From approved pieces of information and recommended products, myths and common misconceptions, kind of food and feeding, health and safety issues, to veterinarians and related societies, the website is indeed a reliable source of information for the green iguana aficionado.

Some FAQ’s

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about the Green Iguana Society:

• Why should I involve myself with the Green Iguana Society?

According to the founders of the Green Iguana Society, through joining the organization, you would put across the message that you love green iguanas, you want to keep on learning on the subject of green iguanas and the kind of care they need, and the ways by which you can help share your knowledge in caring for the wonderful animals.

• How much will it cost me to become a member of the Green Iguana Society?

There is no membership fee needed to be a part of the organization. Fees for newsletters and other benefits may be sought later if there would be adjustments in the level of membership in the future.

• Will I be included in a list of members in the website?

Years ago, the founders of the organization started a listing of members in the website. However, as the years went by and many people from all over the world joined the Green Iguana Society, the founders were no longer able to keep track of all those who took part in the organization’s mission and had to remove the list of members.

• How old should I be before I can join?

You should be fourteen years old or more in order to become a member of the Green Iguana Society. Thirteen year old kids or younger may join the Kids Club however.

• What should I do to join?

The website instructs potential members to fill out a form. You should provide as many information as you can and hit the Send button. That easy.

There are still lots more to learn about the green iguanas and the Green Iguana Society. Why not try to find out more? Do some Internet surfing now and be a part of the society that cares!

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Pictures Of Iguanas

New Pet Iguana - Tame Them

Iguanas belong to the family of lizards. Like most reptiles, iguanas belong to the cold-blooded animals whose body temperature changes with the temperature of the air or water around it that is why iguanas have excellent capability to survive to the environment.

Iguanas have a long, whip-like tails, eyelids, four sprawling legs, big mouth and saw-like teeth. Iguanas are of different species. They may differ in behavior, size and color which may vary from green to yellow. Some has a vivid color, some has dull color. These creatures usually have a life span of 15-20 years in captivity.

Iguanas have its unique adaptation to its habitat. The Marine Iguanas are skillful swimmer, the Green iguanas can usually be found in rainforest, and others, like the desert iguanas have the ability to adapt and survive even in dry and hot desert.

There are iguanas that are readily available in pet shops. These have gain the popularity of iguanas for pet. It is challenging to own iguanas especially in taming it. Unlike cats and dogs, iguanas are not domesticated animals. It takes time before they become comfortable and tame. They have still the instinct and behavior that help them survive in the wild even after years of captivity and breed.

It is also very important when handling iguanas, to make sure they are comfortable. Iguanas are sometimes territorial aggressive creatures. In taming them, you need to be patient. It is best to handle them daily. In handling them, do not swoop your hand from above them, they may think you’re a predator, remember these creatures are used to wild habitat. Instead, bring your hand to its eye level and approach them slowly. Don’t make any fast moves. There are pictures of iguanas and how to handle them that may give you vivid picture on how to handle them. Talking and whispering while you are approaching them may also help. Handling your iguanas on daily basis and spending time with them will gradually tame them. Understanding their body language and their real meaning, like bobbing of their head, whipping their tail will help you interact with your pet better.

There are highly debated topics when it comes to feeding or what to feed to your iguanas. Iguanas are basically herbivore creatures. They eat leaves, fruits and flowers. Improper feeding may result to death or sickness of your pet. Iguanas are strictly vegetarian. Although there are books that say iguanas can be fed other animal protein based foods. It is recommended for them to have a varied diet.

Iguanas have saw-like teeth that they use to rip and tear their food instead of chewing it. Clean and chop the food finely before giving it to them. It is important for your iguanas to have strong and healthy bones. Providing them with a wide variety fresh food that is high in calcium and phosphorous and clean water is good for your iguanas’ diet. Iguanas should be fed daily. At least two leafy green each day.

The amount of food that you may give to your iguana depends on the size and the appetite of your pet. It would be best to give them enough food that will last all day and even leave food at night. You can also find tables of good food that you can feed to your iguanas.

Reading up more information about iguanas, such as how to tame them, proper training, handling and proper feeding them will help you successfully kept them for years.

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Iguana Information

Iguanas: The Different and the Similar

Green iguanas are the ones you usually bring home to take care and pamper. What you may not know is that there are different types of iguanas out there. Oftentimes, you will see these other types not in pet stores but in the forests where they live.

There are actually six types of iguanas. These are the

1. Dipsosaurus, the desert iguana.

2. Ctenosaura, the spiny-tailed iguana.

3. Lemanctus, casque-headed iguana.

4. Corytophanes, the helmeted iguana.

5. Cyclura, the rhinoceros and rock iguana.

5. Chalarodon, the Madagascar iguana.

6. Green iguana.

The famous iguana that is fast becoming a part of most households is the green iguana. These iguanas may be of different types and appearances but they all have similarities terms of diet, habits and size.

1. Herbivores iguanas.

The description of herbivores is the kind that eats only plant or plant matters. It can be noted that there are not many reptiles that can live on plant food alone. This is what makes iguanas unique from them. This may be the reason why people want these reptiles for their pet. Feeding them is not as hard as any other animals.

Being herbivores does not mean that you can just pick any plant out there to feed your iguana. If you want to maintain its health, consider giving them nutritious green and leafy vegetables. Try lettuce. You can give it to them regularly. If you do not have an abundance of vegetables to supply, consider other alternative sources of leafy plants.

2. Tropical temperature.

Iguanas are used to having tropical climates all year round. That is why you will not be able to find an iguana habitat in places where there are shifts of hot and cold climates.

This is one thing that you should consider once you have decided to have a pet iguana. You are required to monitor the temperature around your house or in shelter that you have provided for them.

Iguanas need constant heat to maintain their body temperature. Many iguana owners have realized that there is an increase in the usage of their electric heaters or gas once they have an iguana in their household.

So if you are located in locations where there is a winter season, make sure that your heater works. If you do not have one reliable source of heat, then it is a wise idea not to consider getting an iguana.

3. Tamed iguana.

Your pet iguana will not get tamed on its own. As the owner, it is your responsibility to make sure that you tame your iguana well so that they will be able to socialize well with you and with others.

A tamed iguana will be able to roam around your house without moving or eating on anything that arouses its curiosity. You can also take them outdoors or in events outside of your home. You also have the ability to caress, hold and cuddle your iguana once you are assured that it will not harm you when you do so.

4. Iguanas grow big.

You might be misled into thinking that your iguana will remain small and tiny all throughout its life cycle. This is a misconception.

All types of iguanas will grow its full size once they are taken properly care of. In 3 to 4 years time, expect your iguana to be five to six feet long.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Rhino Iguana

Facts about the Rhinoceros Iguana

The iguana family is one of the thirteen species of the lizard family. Usually they comprise the group of reptiles that belong to the largest species. The popular iguana species are commonly found in Mexico, southward to Brazil.

Features of Iguana

The common iguana is green with dark bands that form rings on tail. Similar to other reptile, iguanas are also egg-laying animal, cold-blooded with an exceptional ability to adjust to their environment. Species like iguanas vary on different colors, behaviors, sizes and their endangered condition in the wild.

Different kinds of iguanas vary in their looks and acts. You might not even recognize that they belong in the same family. Some iguanas are dull while the others have a vivid and bright color.

Iguanas are found in different habitats so each one has its own unique adaptation. Most of the iguanas are herbivores that eat flower buds, young leaves and fruits. Some of them also eat the rare juicy mealworm and wax worm.

The Origin of the Rhinoceros Iguana

The rhinoceros iguana is also one of the popular members of the iguanidae family. Its common name is rhinoceros iguana or rhino iguana.

This species got its name “rhinoceros” because of its horn-like shape that is found on the head of the male iguanas. They are found mostly on terrestrial like the rocky and dry areas. They are infrequently found in trees or in forested areas. Rhino Iguana is much heavier than common green iguana but it is not as long as the latter.

The species is composed of large reptiles, heavy-bodied lizard with a homogeneous gray body. The male has a three horn like protrusion on its head. The common rhino iguana has a total body length of 1.2m or 4.5ft long and weighs for about 10-20lbs or 4.5-9kg.

Rhino iguanas are omnivores, they eat a wide variety of vegetables as well as small mammals, birds and invertebrates. They lie for about 15-20 eggs and develop for approximately 75-100 days. Typically, rhino iguanas develop its sexual maturity when it reaches its second to third year of its birth. The most common rhino iguana lives up to 20 years or more and most of them dwell on dry rock areas and savannas.

Most of the male iguana experience complicated courtship behaviors of head bobbing and erecting the spines along the back. They normally quite timorous and will flee when approached, but during courtship rhino iguana males are aggressive. Female iguanas on the other hand have a horn-like shape but smaller than those in males. Female rhino iguanas mate with several male rhino iguanas and have the ability to hoard sperm.

Rhino iguanas are tremendously territorial and use their whip and long tails to rip off predators or intruders. The rhino species has ability to re-grow its teeth that were lost after a battle. Territorial battles of male iguanas seldom come to full aggression, the subsequent face off can last for several hours.

Due to its population, rhinoceros iguanas are particularly susceptible to environmental and man made disturbances. People in the islands often eat iguanas as food because of their accessibility and somewhat poor economic status in the island. Wide-scale release of iguanas in pet trades and zoos make them protected. There are also wildlife organizations that protect the species. Thus, they play an important role in the conservation of rhinoceros iguanas and other species.

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Iguana Habitats

Some Accessories You should Include in Iguana Habitats

If you have met the basic light, heating, space and humidity requirements of an iguana habitat, you might think that your work is all done. However, it should be stated that those are just the basic parts of an iguana habitat. This means that although these factors alone will let your iguana survive, these may not necessarily allow your iguana to thrive.

In order to assure the best of health for your iguana, the iguana habitat should have these accessories:

1) Substrates – substrates compose the surface of the iguana habitat. In choosing a substrate for your iguana habitat, you should remember the fact that iguanas constantly flick their tongues. This habit allows your iguana to process different types of information about their environment. You should not use anything small like wood chips, sand, or gravel as a substrate because of this reason. Anything that sticks to the tongue of the iguana is likely to be eaten. San and gravel would be very dangerous to the iguana if they are ingested. This goes for any particulate materials.

In choosing a substrate, you might want to try newspapers with non-toxic ink. You could also try to use other types of paper, as long as they are not toxic to animals when ingested. Some people prefer to use pieces of indoor and outdoor carpeting as substrates for their iguana habitat.

2) Basking and climbing accessories – Iguanas are arboreal. In the wild, iguanas spend most of their time up on trees. This means that you need to provide some sort of climbing material in your iguana habitat. Try including some shelves in an iguana habitat to simulate branches of trees.

If you include branches in your iguana habitat, you should provide some that are big enough for your iguana to lie on comfortably. You should also cover them with some sort of material that will help them in climbing. One option is to cover the branches with carpeting. The branches will also serve as basking places for your iguana. These spots are where your iguana will go to in order to relax.

3) Food and water dishes – you should provide your iguana with dishes for food and water. Although iguanas are not really inclined to drink often, it is still important that you provide them with a source of fresh water daily.

Iguanas love to soak in a water dish, so you should provide one that's just the right size for your pet. It should be big enough so that the iguana won't tip it over when getting in and it should be shallow enough so that the iguana won't drown. You should also realize that after soaking, an iguana usually likes to poop in the water. This means that you will have the responsibility to change the water in the dish and sanitize it regularly.

4) Hiding places – there are times when an iguana likes to be alone and unobserved. This means that you have to provide a suitable hiding place in your iguana habitat. You could place a log, a rock, or anything which your iguana could hide behind. Just like people, iguanas need privacy too.

When you add these accessories to your iguana habitat, you can be sure that your iguana will be living in a very ideal enclosure. This means that your iguana's health and well-being will be secured.

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