Friday, December 30, 2011

Iguana Lizards

Where to Find Information about Iguanas and Lizards

People who are interested in iguanas in lizards can find a lot of resources filled with information. In fact, anyone who is interested in iguanas and lizards is likely to find that one such resource is very accessible to them. Here are some resources that you can use:

1) Books – Some people have dismissed books as being old technology. These people believe that books are outdated. They prefer the faster and more exciting information provided by computers and the internet. However, there is wisdom to be found in old books. Books are written by people who truly know about iguanas and lizards. This means that the information contained within books is very reliable. You just can't say that about other sources of information anymore.

Books are very convenient for people who are looking for extensive information. Of course, you are going to have to find the right book in order to get the information that you want. When you do find that right book, you are sure to get the best type of information available.

There are certain disadvantages to using books as sources of information about iguanas and lizards. As said before, you do need to find the right book in order to find the right type of information. This means that you have to get the most updated books available. Unfortunately, not all books are constantly updated and finding an outdated one may leave you with information about iguanas and lizards that is no longer relevant.

2) The internet – The internet is the largest resource of information that you can use. With the technology of the internet, people who need information are able to get that information anytime and anywhere. The convenience of the internet is that it allows you to access the information you need instantly.

The internet also connects you to other people. This means you not only get information, you also get to consult with the people who can help you with your need. The internet will allow you to access all sorts of information about iguanas and lizards. You can have information about their types, lives, how to take care of them as pets, and other types of data which you may need.

The internet, however, also has its disadvantages. For one thing, many sites on the internet offer information that is not verified by experts or professionals. This means that you can't really be sure if the information about iguanas and lizards that you got from the internet is actually reliable.

There are also people who place different types of malicious software on the internet. These programs can cause some serious harm to your computer. This means that you have to be extra careful if you are searching for information about iguanas and lizards on the internet.

3) Pet stores – pet stores are great resources for finding different types of information about iguanas and lizards. However, the information that you can get from these shops is limited to information about caring for a pet iguana or lizard. Still, we're talking about pretty valuable information here. Pet shop personnel may also be very knowledgeable regarding lizards and iguanas so they may be able to help you a lot. By going to a pet shop for information, you can be sure that you will get the data you need to help you with an iguana or lizard in captivity.

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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Information On Iguanas

Information about Iguanas that can stop you from getting one

Having some basic information on iguana will make your decision whether to take one or not. Take note that having them as a pet is not because it is what your friends have. You should not only make the wrong assumption of thinking that it is the easiest pet to take care of and to have around.

Below are some informations that will help you decide why you should NOT have iguanas in your home.

1. Iguanas are not cheap.

The minimal amount that you pay for an iguana is only the beginning. What follows next are the series of equipments and accessories that is needed in caring for your iguana. There is the special cage with special lighting installed to keep its body heat.

You will also need some shelves for them to climb on and a timer to monitor changes in temperature. Feeding them is also a consideration. You need to buy green and leafy vegetables that are rich in calcium and vitamins to keep them healthy.

If you do not have the budget set aside for these things, then you should consider against having one as a pet.

2. Iguanas are not low maintenance pets.

They may look small enough not to cause you trouble or problems. That is just their appearance. As miniscule as they seem, they also need to be handled with care and given proper treatment just like any other pet.

Their places needed to be washed and cleaned. You also need to tame them yourself so that your iguana will grow up disciplined and manageable.

These things should be done on a daily basis so that the iguana will be trained early on. In addition, you may find it difficult to tame them once they are bigger and restless already.

3. Iguanas are not "huggable".

You cannot hold your iguana in your lap and cuddle with them like you do your cats, dogs or rabbits. Although you can put them in your shoulder or hold in your arms, you should adhere to some restrictions that will prove vital to your health and well being.

This is especially if you do not have a tamed iguana. Chances are, they will bite or scratch you at the first sign of contact.

4. Iguanas are not sociable.

Notice that no matter how much you try, you will not be able to build rapport between your iguana and other pets in the house. This is because iguanas consider other animals are enemies. For them, these animals are predators waiting to eat them up.

Since iguanas are not as big as any other kinds of pets, there is a big possibility that they might be stepped on or squashed when other pets start playing around in your home. That is why you find these iguanas all by themselves in a quiet and dark corner.

5. Iguanas are not the kind of pet for small children.

Do not agree with your child if ever they decide to have an iguana for a pet. This is because these reptiles are not suitable for minors who do not know about proper handling and caring.

Stick to dogs or cats if ever your child is not big enough to understand what iguanas are like as pets.

So, what information about iguana is stopping you?

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Iguana Cantina

Some Vital Considerations Posed on the Care for Iguana Cantina

The iguanas are among the most well-known reptiles which are often purchased from the leading pet shops all over United States. The iguana can grow in almost any type of climate and could utterly measure between four to six feet in terms of its length and from ten to fifteen pounds in weight. When taken captive, the iguanas can live a span of twelve to fifteen years and sometimes up to twenty years provided that they are maintained to the fullest level. Since the iguana cantinas are originally from the humid and hot environments, it is rightful to assume that these reptiles are most active when the sun is up. At times when danger is imposed on them, they can be expected to use their defense mechanism tools such as their strong tails, nails, and jaws.

In their natural habitat, the iguana cantinas are spotted to be always hiding from their predators. They have very strong senses of sight, hearing, and smell and can easily detect the dangers abound. Most of today’s youngsters and teenagers buy iguanas out of severe impulse but then therefore disregarding the vital facts about their proper care. As a general knowledge for everyone, sufficient basics about the requirements for caring for an iguana must be taken into consideration.

The Iguana’s Indoor Housing Concerns

The young iguana cantina is able to live on an aquarium filled with thirty to fifty gallons of water. But of course as they are properly fed with the rightful diet, their growth would seem to advance in a matter of months. This means that the aquarium size should be adjusted as well. The aquarium enclosures come in a variety of styles and are either made out of plexiglass, wood, or simple glass. The substrate to be used must be something that can help you out easily. If you want to save, you can make use of newspapers. Among the other cool choices are the indoor and outdoor carpeting, linoleum, and artificial grass. Materials to avoid are soil, sand, and bark because they commonly invite insects and pests to thrive in them. This will in turn cause harm to your pets. The iguana habitat should be disinfected and cleaned two times in a week. It is also important to set up pieces of rocks, branches, broad limbs, or drift woods as climbing materials for the iguanas.

Water for their Habitat

Even the iguanas crave for water and this need of theirs should come handy. Most of their water intake source comes from the plants which they come to consume in their diets. When the iguanas are taken inside their tanks, they love to drink water from the woods or leaves inside the cage. Bathing the iguana is another good source of water intake into their bodies. This will further train the reptile to be accustomed with the water. When bathing your pet, lukewarm water must be used.

The Outdoor Sunlight for the Iguanas

Nothing can ever compare with the natural light coming from the sun. Sunlight will make your pet iguana cantina healthier. In a week, the iguana must be exposed to natural sunlight from five to ten hours. If you wish to place your iguana in a cage outside of your home, you should ensure that cats, dogs, or any other wild animals must not be present to pose danger on your pet.

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Marine Iguana

What are Marine Iguanas

As its name suggests, the marine iguana is set apart from the rest of its relative mainly because it has a unique attribute of being capable to forage and live in the seawater. The marine iguana is in truth only to be found thriving within the Galapagos Islands that is why its existence in the island has branded the reptile the name “Galapagos marine iguana”. The natural habitat of the marine iguana is on the rocky shores of the Galapagos Island but they can likewise be seen in the mangrove and marshes beaches.

Some people such as Charles Darwin describe the marine iguanas as the black lizards thriving on the sea. But the truth is that the marine iguanas are not usually black in color. The younger marine iguanas take the dorsal stripe color whereas the adult ones are grayish. Their color may be really dull but there is a reason behind this. Such color allows them to easily absorb heat right after they emerge out of the water. Their food is usually the marine algae. They expel the remaining salts from their nasal glands as they go on with basking under the heat of the sun. The salt contained in their bodies makes their faces appear whiter.

More so, the matured male marine iguanas have a varying color—all of which depend on the existing season. During the breeding seasons, the adult male marine iguanas become teal-green or reddish in colors. Those thriving in Santa Cruz appear in black and red brick while those found in Fernandina come in dull green and brick red colors. Their sizes likewise differ which depends on the island that they live in. Those found in the whole of Isabela and Fernandina are the largest marine iguanas in the entire island of Galapagos. Meanwhile, the smallest marine iguanas are to be found in Genovesa.

As said to be poikilothermic animals, the marine iguanas can only spend very little time out in the cold sea whenever they dive for their algae food. Thus, they commonly swim within the very shallow water of the island. After swimming, they proceed to bask under the sun to have their bodies warmed up again. During the cold days, the marine iguana cannot effectively move thus making them too vulnerable for their predators. Since they cannot move fast, what they do is to strike their tails up in the air and bite their enemies. During the entire breeding season, the male marine iguanas mate with the females and likewise guard them against the rest of the male reptiles.

Moreover, the marine iguanas adjust their sizes to be able to adapt to the food condition in existence. There was a time during the onset of the El NiƱo when the algae decreased in number so the marine iguanas actually decreased in their lengths too. When the food supply started to normalize, the reptiles returned to their normal condition. The marine iguanas are not as fast as the rest of its relatives. When taken as pets, their predators become the dogs and cats. They can be easily attacked by these predators since they are too slow and much tamed.

To date, the government of Ecuador has set up laws that aim to protect the existence of marine iguanas. There are artificial nestling sites which had been made in the smaller islands so that there will be lesser predators that can harm them.

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Iguana Foods

Some Issues about Iguana Food

People who think that iguanas only need to be given lettuce as food would be very wrong in their assumptions. Feeding an iguana has a lot of issues involved and a good iguana owner should learn as much as possible about these issues. Here is a guide to help you with some of the issues surrounding iguana food:

1) Vegetables – ther5e are guides which still say that iguanas should be fed insects and they may eat cat and dog food. The fact remains, however, that iguanas have bodies that are designed for effective consumption of plant protein. That means that your iguana is better off as a vegetarian. Iguana food should consist of vegetables that have high nutritional value such as collards or mustard greens. Occasionally feeding it lettuce is okay but you should not regularly do this since most types of salad lettuce contain very little nutritional value.

Why is an iguana better off eating vegetables? Well, an iguana will have a hard time processing animal proteins. This task requires a lot of work from the kidneys. This means that an iguana which is fed animal protein has a high chance of developing kidney problems. Animal proteins are also hard to absorb. Often, unabsorbed animal proteins are stored in the iguana's body as uric acid this may lead to gout.

So, now you know why iguana food should consist of as much veggies as possible.

2) Water – iguanas tend to drink water only sparingly. If you do not have enough humidity in the enclosure, this would mean that your iguana will spend most of its days at least partially dehydrated. This can be bad for your iguana.

An owner should try to get an iguana to drink as much water as possible. Since iguanas are not naturally inclined to do this, you should take some steps to accomplish it. One way is to spray your iguana food with water. This way, the iguana will get the moisture it needs when it is feeding.

Another good idea is to try and train your iguana to drink as much water as possible. You can do this by placing a treat inside the iguana's water dish. Do this regularly and soon, you will be able to train your iguana to drink from the bowl on its own.

3) Temperature – iguanas are cold blooded. This means that they depend on the heat of the environment for their bodily functions. No matter how good the iguana food you provide, the iguana will not be able to properly digest it without the proper temperature. After feeding, the temperature in the enclosure should be kept at least 85 degrees Fahrenheit. This will aid in the proper digestion of iguana food.

4) Calcium and phosphorus – When choosing iguana food, an owner should always keep in mind that iguanas need calcium and phosphorus in a 2:1 ratio. This means that you should try to choose foods that contain these nutrients.

5) Light – another issue about iguana food is the need for proper lighting. Iguanas need UVA and UVB rays to produce vitamin D3. This nutrient facilitates the proper absorption of calcium in the body. There are actually many types of artificial lighting that provide these rays, but the best source is still the sun. So if you want your pet to absorb the nutrients in the iguana food properly, make sure that you let it bask in direct sunlight as much as possible.

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Iguanas 2

Interesting Facts about Iguanas

Here are some things you might want to know about iguanas:

1) They are better suited to eating plants – some sources still continue to say that iguanas are omnivores. To say that iguanas will benefit from eating both plant and animal products would be mistake. This is because the metabolism of the iguana is better suited to absorbing plant proteins. The proteins found in animal products are just too complex to be properly utilized by iguanas. This means that not all proteins can be absorbed by their bodies as nutrients.

So what happens to the unabsorbed proteins? Well, it is usually stored as uric acid. This uric acid can have very harmful effects on your iguana. A build up of uric acid can cause gout. Getting rid of animal protein can also be very hard work for an iguana's kidneys. This means that feeding animal products to your iguana may cause it to have kidney problems. This shortens the iguana's life.

2) Iguanas can be trained – many people think that iguanas are stupid animals. However, people who own iguanas can actually attest to the opposite. A pet iguana can be trained to do many different things. Some people have toilet-trained their iguanas. Other people have trained their iguanas to do different types of tricks. Some iguanas can even find their way home!

These feats attest to the fact that iguanas are far from stupid. Sometimes, people just tend to judge other creatures as being lower than them.

3) They can grow up to six feet long – most people think that iguanas will always fit their cages. However, when an iguana is properly taken care of, it will grow up to six feet long! This means that you will have to prepare a habitat that can accommodate an iguana's growth. Some people may not be able to immediately provide a large enclosure for a six foot iguana. However, you should realize that an iguana will grow to that size and so you must always plan ahead.

4) Iguanas are arboreal – Wild iguanas spend most of their time on trees. What are the implications of this? Well, an iguana owner has to simulate an iguana's habitat. This means that you need to put some climbing materials on your iguana's enclosure. Of course, you don't have to put real trees inside the enclosure. However, you should consider placing a post or something that your iguana can climb on.

5) Iguanas need sunlight – some people think that artificial lights are good substitutes for sunlight in an iguana enclosure. However, what you need to know is that iguanas need sunlight not just for the visible light. An iguana utilizes UVA and UVB light in absorbing nutrients properly. This is because the UVB light triggers a chemical reaction in an iguana's skin which helps it make the vitamin D3. This vitamin is used to properly process calcium in the bloodstream.

These are just some of the little quirks that you may want to know about iguanas. As you can see, taking care of an iguana is not an easy task. In order to take proper care of an iguana, people should learn as much about them as possible. By taking these little details into consideration while caring for an iguana, you would assure the continued health of the iguana.

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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Iguanas Ecology

What You Need to Know about Iguana Ecology

Iguanas, specially the wild ones are crucial part of the ecosystem; a slight change in the population of Iguanas in the wild can harm the total balance of the ecosystem. So when setting up your own pet house you need to know things about the proper iguana ecology so that it can feel comfortable in your captivity.

One thing that you will probably notice is that iguana ecology is not an easy task to replicate and the iguanas themselves are not that easy to take care of too. Iguanas like most reptiles are solely dependant on their environment for their most basic needs like heat and body chemistry. Iguanas use wavelengths of light on its environment to aid with their metabolism.

These animals are very well-tailored to their natural habitat, which are humid and warm environment which can be very different from the confined cells that they are when in your captivity. So if you can provide an environment that is conducive to live in for the iguanas they might get sick or even die.

Basically an iguana needs the following to survive under captivity: A large cage or room is a crucial thing in your iguanas growth, you have to keep in mind that a fully grown and properly cared for iguana can grow up to six feet long. A large 55 gallon aquarium is barely enough in your iguanas first year growth.

At most the minimum height of an iguana’s cage should be six feet tall and twice the length of the Iguana. Iguanas are know to be arboreal so they feel much comfortable up on high places like a tree so be sure to include even just a small branch on you cage for them to hang on. The total width of your iguana’s cage must be at least half the iguana’s length.

The rule of the thumb should be the larger the cage the healthier.

A small cage can harm your iguana’s growth and can even injure and stress them out. They can even cause muscle weakness due to the small amount of space that they can crawl in causing them to be stagnant on one place and build fat and hinder the much needed exercise to burn them.

The room temperature should also be taken into consideration, a basking should be provided with a temperature of ninety to ninety-five degrees Fahrenheit and the air temperature should not be lower than that what they are accustomed to which is eighty degrees Fahrenheit.

Proper room temperature aids the iguanas with their digestion process. On the other hand, the inadequate supply of it can cause illness in your iguana’s digestive system.

Your iguana should also have a day and night cycle so you have to find ways to provide heat without the lights on night times.

As you can notice, providing your iguana with the right kind of habitat is crucial to its health and growth. These things that are stated about are a must for an iguana to be able to survive in your captivity. Not being able to provide this stuff may cause death to your pet. Just try to get the right information about your iguanas need and everything will work out just fine. Having an iguana pet is not an easy thing but it I surely an enjoyable sight to watch your iguana grow.

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