Different Iguanas has its unique ability to be able to become accustomed to their habitat. They have their unique skills. Iguanas that dwell in high trees for instance, can jump off the ground without having injuries. In addition, iguanas in Galapagos Island, the Amblyrhynchus cristatus, known as the marine iguana are good swimmer.
The species of iguana differ in their color, size, behavior and their extinction status in the wild. Some iguanas have vivid and bright colors, and others are dull. Most iguanas grows quickly, a hundred times heavier as their normal size as a hatchling in just about 24-30 months. But this would happen if they are given proper care, enough food, and a place with good air circulation and lots of sunlight.
Most iguanas are herbivores while some are omnivore or carnivore depending on their habitat. Terrestrial dwellers are carnivore, they eat mealworms and wax worms while the forest and tree dwellers are herbivores, eats young leaves, flower buds and fruits.
Proper feeding of iguanas is important. Sufficient food intake might lead to bloating, and obesity. In addition, lack of proper diet may also lead to some diseases. Cases like these are very usual so you must be prepared whatever happened to your pet.