Showing posts with label Green. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Green. Show all posts

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Green iguanas

Some myths about green iguanas

People who often green iguanas have their own specific ideas about it. These myths could disrupt a person's ability, proper maintenance a green iguana to take. Some of these myths can be not too harmful. However, some of these myths to health and well-being a green iguana could be dangerous. Here are some common myths about green iguanas you should know:

(1) You can salad, green iguanas feed - this myth has some truth to it. Of course, as are green iguanas best on a vegetarian diet, you can feed it salad. However, you should recognize the fact that most kinds of salad salad have very little nutritional value. Some people realize this, if it is already too late the iguana diet change. This is because a green iguana is fed mainly salad continue to eat salad, even though its diet be added to better food.

If you want to take the proper care of your green iguana, you should feed it vegetables, which have high nutritional value. Examples: Cabbage, turnip greens and mustard green.

2) Iguanas are not outgrown their cages - some people think that keep iguanas in small cages will lead to their proliferation to braked. These people offer small cages for the iguanas to keep it in a convenient size. This helps definitely not your green iguana. A green iguana, if properly taken care of can grow up to six meters long. This means that it will keep in a small cage only your green iguana lives very unpleasant make is feat.

3) Iguanas need to consume gravel to help their digestion - that is a very dangerous myth. Some people add gravel or small pebbles an iguana housing help because they think that this is a green iguana Digest his food. However, you should realize that gravel or such material could kill your green iguana, when it is consumed. You should try to avoid, feed your green iguana of these materials, whether accidental or intentional.

(4) Hot stones are ideal for heating – some people add housing hot stones a green iguana, think that these rocks good for an iguana are body temperature. What you have to remember, is that green iguanas are cold blooded. This means that when a green iguana sits on a hot stone, it can be cooked literally to death. If you want to enable the right heater for a green iguana enclosure, use special lighting available in the most pet stores.

5) Iguanas can eat insects, food for pets and other animal products – today many sources nor explain that iguanas should be given to animal protein as part of their diet. The truth, however, is that green iguanas are best suited a herbivorous diet. Body and metabolism to a green iguana who effectively to use vegetable proteins. Animal proteins, can on the other hand, as a very disturbing to them. Consumption of animal protein can cause that your green iguana, to develop gout. It can also lead to serious kidney problems. The only reason that iguanas eat insects in the wild is because they get accidentally mixed up with their food.

These are just some of the myths you've heard about green iguanas. By the know the truth about these myths, you are equipped to a green iguana now the best care possible.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Green iguana 1

As relate, take care of a green iguana if people talk about getting an iguana for a pet, they are usually among the most common species, "Iguana iguana" or the Green iguana.

Found in South and Central America, as well as other parts of the Pacific Ocean, the iguana very popular among the pet owners in the United States and Europe in recent years has become.

Active during the day, the young iguana is typically bright green in color, it helps is hidden from predators in the green vegetation of the forest. With its fast movements and the Green iguana avoids sharp sight recording easily. The iguana grows older, changes color from green to a muted green.

An iguana in the wild spends his day trying to find, they are located at a sunny place, feeding and attempts to escape from predators.

An iguana in captivity is another case, of course. While there to escape any more enemies, should an iguana are respected well the owner. Perhaps it is a beloved pet, but cares no easy task.

Let's talk about some things to do when an iguana care.

1. To provide a large enclosed room for your iguana.

As a green iguana can be large as seven feet tall, the animal should cases from owner's top priority.

It may seem that the iguana is satisfied with a small pen; However, without much space, it will grow listless and stressed will be causing disease and even susceptibility to infections.

The housing of the iguana should a few times length must either depth or width or two and a half times in height, because the animal move or also climb.

Later the pet iguana privileges, roam around the House should be given as long as the owner to make sure it is not out or feed on important things around the House.

2. Enter the large branches or synthetic structures for your pet housing.

Not only the housing looks more pleasant for the eyes with the addition of the above mentioned things, but they do also the monastery to live a better place for the Green iguana. Is a good Habitat contribute because it is a place for the climbing and Sun - two activities, the emotional to the iguana and psychological growth.

For the flooring of the housing, you can mulch (keep to keep a material moisture, to prevent that weed is growing, and to prevent that eroded the Earth) or simply use newspaper sheets.

3. Sure, to make the body a good heating device.

You should not see, because an iguana properly heated unable, digest the food well.

An owner is a good source of UV light for the iguana. The housing should be no part at a temperature lower than 26 ° C while at least part should have a temperature 35 ° c A spotlight is good for this purpose.

(4) Heating and lighting are, although important, they offer also darkness.

Six to ten hours of darkness each night of the iguana is also important for well-being. The housing should be shielded from street lamps or lights appliances.

5. Consider your pet iguana.

Every pet deserves care and interaction of its owner. Just like your regular cat or dog deserves the Green iguana love and affection. If not the attention that it deserves, can an iguana listless, sick, and eventually die.

There you go. The above tips are just some of the things that need to be taken into account, in an iguana care. These are not as a substitute for a consultation with your trusted veterinarian to be used. Professional assistance is still necessary to ensure that your iguana for a very long time is life.

Green iguana

The place to be: the Green iguana Surf camp to experience fun and leisure while learning at the same time?

If green is good, iguana Surf camp the place just for you.

Green iguana Surf camp in was the business for a long time now, teaching guests not only on the waves enjoy horseback riding, but also the entire surf experience - at the same time make sure that you know, like one in the Costa Rican waters safe.

Located in the heart of Playa Dominical, where waves are the most constants in all Costa Rica, offers green iguana Surf camp a kind of adventure for young and old alike; the surf enthusiasts and your average holiday junkie; the thrill seeking and the tired traveler.

Attractions perfect picture examples of tropical beaches, Dominical Beach and its surrounding coasts and reefs, such as Playa Guapil, Playa Dominicalito, Playa Hermosa and Playa Ventanas, ideal are full surf websites.

With their Schaltern--ride on more difficult types of waves is there simply no flat SURFs in the places mentioned, they make to good locations for wannabes qualified surfing. Intermediate and advanced surfers, can their skills in beautiful point breaks known as Dominical Beach further sharpen "Papas Point" natives or "The Point" for many on the other side.

Green iguana Surf camp offers also many activities other than surfing. With its rainforest canopies, stunning beaches and several waterfalls, an adventurer can engage in tours, kayaking and abseiling down. The tired travellers can on the other hand, always relax and the Golden sunset while lazy stretched in the hammock, the sound of the waves in the background.

Iguana Surf camp offers accommodation Green also accommodation for its guests. There are two types: the accommodations right on the beach and Rainforest accommodation.

1. Diuwak (pronounced like "Dee you Wak") resort is for those who want to be close to the sea. Elegant, rustic and comfortable, it is about 100 meters away from the sea. Diuwak has two rooms of a package and package.

• Package 1 or standard room has single and double beds, private toilets with heating, telephone, fan or air conditioning.

• 1 Package 2 or deluxe room has all facilities of package, but are a little bigger. You have also a television and a mini bar.

2. Rainforest accommodation offers various amenities, but, as the name implies, it is a place where you can stay in the forest surrounded by the deep silence of nature. So, if you want to find out, how you surf in Costa Rica and it think my life also green iguana surf is camp rainforest accommodation choose the type of accommodation.

Further functions

In addition to the beautiful accommodations, guided tours to the various beaches and surfing areas, and green offers excursions to the waterfalls, iguana Surf camp surfing lessons by experienced teachers and lifeguard, a CD with photos of your surf lessons, a green iguana T-shirt, a trip to the reptile Park and transport back and forth from the airport of San Jose. Packages include also meals and a therapeutic massage.

Which package you choose, guaranteed green iguana Surf camp fun pure!

Now close your eyes. Places you are a few days, weeks or months from now in your summer outfit "or" skimpy bikini (no need for the wet suit), smiling with Sun tanned local children, with attractive waves and palm trees on the beach in the background properly fed.

Tempting, isn't it? What wait for then? Contact now green iguana Surf camp!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Gian Green Iguana 2

Significant Insights about the Giant Green Iguana

The term giant green iguana refers to the giant lizards. They are said to be giants because they grow up to five to six feet in a span of four to five years. If you prefer not to have a big lizard under your care, then do not opt for a giant green iguana. There are no dwarf versions of this species so you must understand from the very start that green iguanas by nature can grow really large. You cannot by all means make an iguana a dwarf version not unless you expose it to severe chronic malnutrition and then to continuous hypothermia.

Of course, when you do safe keep it on a tank that measures only up to ten gallons, its normal growth will be hideously hindered. Such kind of environment will also make the iguana sick and crazy to the highest level. If you are really serious in making the iguana appear small, then kill it slowly. Killing it slowly means keeping it in a very small-spaced tank container, giving it dull food to feed on, and then exposing it to extreme cold. You may likewise try to be humane and just simply buy a stuffed toy iguana.

The iguanas are naturally from the exotic tropical areas so when they are taken in as pets they must be fully maintained. Meaning, they must be catered with sufficient and healthy food, homey housing environment, proper lighting, and utmost tender love and care. In the absence of any of these factors, they can be subject to premature death. It is a must that you know for a fact if you will love to take care of a giant green iguana before purchasing one. They get extremely huge and live a span of twelve to fifteen years.

In terms of the breeding season, the mature male iguanas, which are then capable of mating with a female iguana, will usually appear rambunctious, mean, and grumpy. Meanwhile, the sexually active and mature female iguanas are able to lay eggs despite the absence of the male iguanas. More so, proper care should be given to the female iguanas so as they will be able to carry out a successful lying of their eggs. In truth, the giant green iguanas can be cared as pets both by the young and old.

Indeed, the giant green iguana ranks as one of the well-known and most sought-after lizards. Most of the buyers of the giant green iguana have no idea at all as to how huge the young iguana could grow when the right time comes. The full-grown giant male green iguanas measure up to almost seven feet. When it comes to feeding them, vegetables are a must. Pay particular attention to offering them the leafy ones since they are plant-eaters by nature. Fruits such as banana can also be included in the iguana’s diet. At a very young stage, it is important to feed the iguanas with diversified sorts of food because it is during this time that they learn to recognize the food preferences that they will go for. Once or twice in a week, the iguana should be given a small quantity of a vitamin and mineral supplement which is especially intended for reptiles. When all these insights are followed, you can be certain that your pet iguana will grow healthy.

Giant Green Iguana

Eine gesunde Giant Green Iguana wie kein anderer

Riesige grüne Leguane sind das "in", was jetzt. Dies ist eines der beliebtesten Reptilien, die gefangen gehalten wird und ist in den meisten Haushalten erledigt. Also sollten Sie nicht überrascht, wenn Ihr Kind um eine statt der üblichen Katzen oder Hunden bittet.

Wenn Sie auf das Wort "Riesen" basieren, werden Sie vielleicht denken, dass diese Leguane also angezeigt werden. Viele Möchtegern Leguan-Besitzer werden erstaunt über die Größe, die diese Reptilien in ihrer Erwachsenen Jahren machen können. Sie können ein kleines Haustier im Laden zusammen mit hübsch Zubehör später feststellen, dass diese Dinge Ihr Haustier nicht mehr passen würde gebracht haben.

Diese sind, was riesige grüne Leguane wenden können. Sie können zunächst kleine sehen aber können sie ihre maximale Größe wachsen, wenn Sie wissen, wie man es richtig machen. Nun, wie tun Sie das?

Sie können durch die Wahl der gesündesten Leguan finden Sie beginnen. Sie werden sehen, wenn der Leguan aktive und Wache scheint. Überprüfen Sie heraus ihre Körper und Körperteile. Sie sollten rund und ohne Anzeichen von Kratzer, Beulen oder Klumpen sein.

Der Unterschied zwischen gesunden und ein nicht-so-gesunder Leguan kann gesehen werden, durch ihre Bewegungen. Eine gesunde nicht herumsitzen und stagnierenden bleiben an einem Ort. Sie finden sie in ihren Käfigen bewegen, als ob neugierig mit dem, was um sie herum geschieht. Ihre Augen würden Runde angezeigt. Ihre Zunge sollte auch während der Bewegung über ein-und blättern.

Sie sollten nicht den Fehler der Auswahl einer machen, der angezeigt wird, im Denken ruhig zu sein, die sie leicht kümmern können. Ein weiterer Fehler ist eine Wahl, die kränklich erscheint, weil Sie Mitleid mit den Reptilien. Dies sind sicher Anzeichen dafür, dass der Leguan schließlich nicht wirklich gesund ist. Sie könnten am Ende bedauert Ihre Entscheidung später.

Im nächste Schritt gibt es ein Haus geeignet und komfortabel. Das Aquarium, die Sie kaufen möchten hängt bereits wie kleine oder Ihr Haustier aufgewachsen ist. Kleinere Leguane benötigen 10 bis 29 Tresse Aquarien.

Das beste, was zu tun ist einen maßgeschneiderten Käfig gebaut haben. Es hindert Sie Verschiebung in einem Käfig nach dem anderen, sobald der Leguan beginnt, wächst. Es spielt keine Rolle, wenn Sie denken, dass der Käfig für Ihr Haustier zu groß ist. Schließlich, es wird größer wachsen und mehr Platz zum bewegen.

Die Art der Ernährung, die Sie geben Ihre Iguana wird bestimmen, wie gesund oder ungesund wird es. Leguane in ihren Jugendlichen Jahren sollte täglich gefüttert werden. Während diejenigen in ihren älteren Jahren nach alle zwei Tage gefüttert werden können.

Auch wenn Leguane fleischfressende sind, sind die besten Lebensmittel zu ihnen geben grünes Blattgemüse. Diese sorgt dafür, dass sie eine gesunde und ausgewogene Ernährung beizubehalten. Sollten Sie auch bei der Erhaltung der Art der Ernährung, die Sie Ihr Haustier geben werden, so dass es nicht Fett, fettleibig und faul erweisen wird.

Weibliche Leguane haben die Tendenz, nicht zu essen die Lebensmittel, die Sie ihnen geben. Dies kann sein, weil sie in der Ei-Entwicklungsphase sind. Sobald diese Phase abgelaufen ist, erhalten sie ihren Appetit zurück. Seien Sie einfach geduldig in freie Fütterung so sie werden dünn und unenergetic.

Einen gesunden Leguan ist nur eine Frage der erforderlichen Schritte. Wenn Sie möchten, dass Ihre riesigen grünen Leguan, für viele Jahre zu leben, werden Sie zu jedem Aspekt in ihrem Wachstum erforderlich dauern.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Baby green iguana

Interesting information about the baby green iguana

The Green iguana is a species of reptile that is found commonly throughout Central and South America. The races of the Green iguana are discovered in Mexico, Paraguay, Brazil and the Caribbean Islands. There is no definitive proof, the Green iguana is that the endangered animals, but then his, sometimes one because it is misunderstood a great attraction for the hunters. Hunters love to capture the large female iguanas. The Green iguana is also a favorite delicacy by some, and it is known under the name of "Bamboo chicken".

The physical appearance of the Green iguana

Excessively grown Greens grow iguanas in rule between four and six feet, but there are some that extend up to seven metres. The tail takes almost all the length because it is one of almost half of the entire body measurement be. Despite their turns green, coloring in his body as well is the dominant strip black. Not because they are called green iguanas, which they already green will settle for the solid color. Shadow draws also from very light green, grey and dull green. The skin is usually rough above all because of the top scales along the animal back of green iguana. Green iguanas are equipped with claws and long fingers, so that they can easily understand and rock climbing can.

The Habitat of the Green iguana

Baby green iguanas are typically in tropical rainforest areas specially in areas with lower altitudes and accessible water resources such as those of streams and rivers. Limited most of their formative years in the forest top at about forty up to fifty metres high above on the ground.

The admirable adjustment of baby green iguanas

Aside from the immutable claws and long fingers, who owned baby green iguanas they have practiced a lot and admirable adaptations with them. The baby green iguanas are very interested in their senses hearing, sight and smell. Their defenses heard their tail is naturally sharp and is high in the air snapped if danger is detected. Once a predator the chance that the tail gets, it grows back without damage at all. The skin of baby green iguana is hard – it is able to avoid scratches, cuts, and is also waterproof. The pigmentation of the skin of baby helps green iguana out in the camouflage in particular, if there are predators in the area. But then, when their predators the baby green iguanas are approved, able to quickly jump from trees and then directly into the water dive. Mind you, they are excellent swimmers.

Apart from these excellent adaptations, the baby also strongly are green iguanas. Imagine that they fall out of the ground at about 40 to 50 feet but succeed come still unharmed. The male green iguanas have what is known as the dewlap on her skin. This is the special fold on their skins, which use it to impress the female green iguana or to intimidate their oncoming enemies. With this Dewlaps you can create it, make appear larger. A further outstanding feature for the Greens is iguanas, that they fat under their own neck and jaw mainly time keep if there's not much about the meal at hand.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Green Iguana

The Place to be: The Green Iguana Surf Camp

Do you want to experience fun and leisure while learning at the same time?

If you do, well, Green Iguana Surf Camp is the place just for you.

Green Iguana Surf Camp has been in the business for a long time now, teaching guests not just to ride the waves, but also to enjoy the entire surfing experience - all the while making sure that you know how to keep yourself safe in the Costa Rican waters.

Found in the heart of Playa Dominical, where waves are the most constant in the whole of Costa Rica, Green Iguana Surf Camp offers a one of a kind adventure to young and old alike; to the surfing enthusiast and your average vacation junkie; to the thrill seeker and the exhausted traveler.


Picture-perfect examples of tropical beaches, Playa Dominical and its surrounding shorelines and reefs, like Playa Guapil, Playa Dominicalito, Playa Hermosa, and Playa Ventanas, are full of ideal surfing sites.

With their easy-to-ride breakers to more difficult kinds of waves, there are just no flat surfs in the places mentioned above, making them good locations for wannabes to become skilled at surfing. Intermediate and advanced surfers, on the other hand, can further hone their skills in beautiful pointbreaks known as “Papas Point” to Playa Dominical’s natives or “The Point” to many.

Green Iguana Surf Camp also offers many activities other than surfing. With its rainforest canopies, breathtaking beaches, and several waterfalls, an adventurer can engage in tours, kayaking, and even rappelling. The weary traveler, on the other hand, can always relax and watch the golden sunset while stretched lazily in a hammock, the sound of the rolling waves at the background.


Green Iguana Surf camp also offers lodgings to its guests. There are two kinds: the beachside lodgings and the rainforest lodgings.

1. Diuwak (pronounced as “Dee-you-wak”) Resort is for those who want to be near the ocean. Elegant, rustic, and yet comfortable, it is approximately 100 feet from the sea. Diuwak has Package One and Package Two rooms.

• Package 1 or standard room has single and double beds, a private lavatory with heater, telephone, an electric fan or air conditioner.

• Package 2 or deluxe room has all the facilities from Package 1, but are a little bigger. They also have a television set and a mini-refrigerator.

2. Rainforest Lodgings also offers different amenities, but, as its name suggests, it is a place where you can stay in the forest surrounded by the profound silence of nature. So, if you want to learn how to surf in Costa Rica and reflect on your life as well, Green Iguana Surf Camp’s Rainforest Lodgings is the kind of lodging to choose.

Other Features

Besides the nice lodgings, guided tours to the different beaches and surf areas, and trips to the waterfalls, Green Iguana Surf Camp also offers surf lessons by seasoned teachers and lifeguards, a CD featuring photos of your surf instruction, a Green Iguana t-shirt, a trip to the Reptile Park, and transportation back and forth from the San Jose airport. The packages also include meals and a therapeutic massage.

Whichever package you choose, Green Iguana Surf Camp guarantees pure fun!

Now, close your eyes. Imagine yourself a few days, weeks, or months from now in your summer outfit or that skimpy bikini (no need for that wet suit), smiling with sun-tanned local children, with attractive waves and palm trees neatly-lined at the beach in the background.

Enticing, right? What are you waiting for then? Contact Green Iguana Surf Camp now!

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Green Iguana 1

How to Take Care of a Green Iguana

When people talk about getting an iguana for a pet, they usually refer to the most common species, the “Iguana Iguana” or the green iguana.

Found in South and Central America, as well as other parts of the Pacific, the iguana has become very popular among pet owners in the United States and Europe in the past few years.

Active in daytime, the young iguana is usually bright green in color, helping it to hide itself from predators in the green vegetation of the forest. With its quick movements and sharp eyesight, the green iguana avoids capture quite easily. As the iguana grows older, its color changes from bright green to a muted green.

An iguana in the wild spends its day trying to find a sunny spot to lie on, feeding, and trying to escape from predators.

Of course, an iguana in captivity is a different case. Though there are no more predators to escape from, an iguana should be well taken care of by its owner. It maybe a popular pet, but taking care of it is by no means an easy task.

Let’s talk about some things to do when taking care of an iguana.

1. Provide a large enclosed space for your iguana.

Since a green iguana may grow as large as seven feet, the pet’s enclosure should be any owner’s top priority.

It may seem that the iguana is contented with a small pen; however, without ample space, it will grow listless and will be stressed, resulting to sickness and even vulnerability to infections.

The enclosure should be a few times the iguana’s length in either depth or width or one and a half times in height since the animal needs to move around or even climb.

Later on, the pet iguana should be given privileges to roam around the house, as long as the owner will make sure that it won’t be able to get out or feed on important stuff around the house.

2. Provide big branches or synthetic structures for your pet’s enclosure.

Not only will the enclosure look more pleasing to the eyes with the addition of the things mentioned above, but they will also make the pen a better place for the green iguana to live in. It will be a good habitat since it will provide a venue for climbing and basking - two activities that contribute to the iguana’s emotional and psychological growth.

For the flooring of the enclosure, one may use mulch (a material designed to keep hold of moisture, prevent weeds from growing, and keep the earth from being eroded) or simply sheets of your daily newspaper.

3. Make sure to provide the enclosure with a good heating device.

You should not overlook this since an iguana not properly heated will not be able to digest its food well.

An owner should provide a good source of UV light for the iguana. The enclosure should not have any part with a temperature lower than 26°C while at least one part should have a temperature as high as 35°C. A spotlight is good for this purpose.

4. While heating and light are important, provide darkness, too.

Six to 10 hours of darkness each night is also important for the iguana’s well-being. The enclosure should be shielded from streetlights or lights from appliances.

5. Pay attention to your pet iguana.

Any pet animal deserves care and interaction from its owner. Just like your regular cat or dog, the green iguana deserves love and affection. If not given the attention it deserves, an iguana may grow listless, sick, and eventually die.

There you go. The tips mentioned above are just some of the things that have to be considered in taking care of an iguana. These are not to be used as a substitute for a consultation with your trusted veterinarian. Professional help is still needed in order to make sure that your iguana will live for a very long time.

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Gian Green Iguana 2

Significant Insights about the Giant Green Iguana

The term giant green iguana refers to the giant lizards. They are said to be giants because they grow up to five to six feet in a span of four to five years. If you prefer not to have a big lizard under your care, then do not opt for a giant green iguana. There are no dwarf versions of this species so you must understand from the very start that green iguanas by nature can grow really large. You cannot by all means make an iguana a dwarf version not unless you expose it to severe chronic malnutrition and then to continuous hypothermia.

Of course, when you do safe keep it on a tank that measures only up to ten gallons, its normal growth will be hideously hindered. Such kind of environment will also make the iguana sick and crazy to the highest level. If you are really serious in making the iguana appear small, then kill it slowly. Killing it slowly means keeping it in a very small-spaced tank container, giving it dull food to feed on, and then exposing it to extreme cold. You may likewise try to be humane and just simply buy a stuffed toy iguana.

The iguanas are naturally from the exotic tropical areas so when they are taken in as pets they must be fully maintained. Meaning, they must be catered with sufficient and healthy food, homey housing environment, proper lighting, and utmost tender love and care. In the absence of any of these factors, they can be subject to premature death. It is a must that you know for a fact if you will love to take care of a giant green iguana before purchasing one. They get extremely huge and live a span of twelve to fifteen years.

In terms of the breeding season, the mature male iguanas, which are then capable of mating with a female iguana, will usually appear rambunctious, mean, and grumpy. Meanwhile, the sexually active and mature female iguanas are able to lay eggs despite the absence of the male iguanas. More so, proper care should be given to the female iguanas so as they will be able to carry out a successful lying of their eggs. In truth, the giant green iguanas can be cared as pets both by the young and old.

Indeed, the giant green iguana ranks as one of the well-known and most sought-after lizards. Most of the buyers of the giant green iguana have no idea at all as to how huge the young iguana could grow when the right time comes. The full-grown giant male green iguanas measure up to almost seven feet. When it comes to feeding them, vegetables are a must. Pay particular attention to offering them the leafy ones since they are plant-eaters by nature. Fruits such as banana can also be included in the iguana’s diet. At a very young stage, it is important to feed the iguanas with diversified sorts of food because it is during this time that they learn to recognize the food preferences that they will go for. Once or twice in a week, the iguana should be given a small quantity of a vitamin and mineral supplement which is especially intended for reptiles. When all these insights are followed, you can be certain that your pet iguana will grow healthy.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Green Iguanas

Some Myths about Green Iguanas

People who own green iguanas often have certain misconceptions about them. These myths could interfere with a person's ability to take proper care of a green iguana. Some of these myths may not be too harmful. However, some of these myths could be dangerous to a green iguana's health and well-being. Here are some common myths about green iguanas which you should know about:

1) You can feed lettuce to green iguanas – This myth has some truth to it. Of course, since green iguanas are best kept on a vegetarian diet, you can feed it lettuce. However, you should realize the fact that most types of salad lettuce have very little nutritional value. Some people realize this when it's already too late to change the iguana's diet. This is because a green iguana which is mainly fed lettuce will continue to eat lettuce even if better foods are added to its diet.

If you want to take proper care of your green iguana, you should feed it vegetables that have a high nutritional value. Examples include collards, turnip greens and mustard greens.

2) Iguanas will not outgrow their cages – Some people think that keeping iguanas in small cages will cause their growths to be stunted. These people provide small cages for their iguanas in order to keep it in a convenient size. This will definitely not help your green iguana. A green iguana, when properly taken care of, can grow up to six feet long. This means that keeping it in a small cage will only accomplish the feat of making your green iguana's life very uncomfortable.

3) Iguanas need to consume gravel in order to help their digestion – this is a very dangerous myth. Some people add gravel or small pebbles to an iguana's enclosure because they think that these help a green iguana to digest its food. However, you should realize that gravel or any such material could kill your green iguana if it is consumed. You should try to avoid feeding your green iguana these materials, whether by accident or on purpose.

4) Hot rocks are great for heating – some people add hot rocks to a green iguana enclosure, thinking that these rocks are good for an iguana's body temperature. What you need to remember is that green iguanas are cold blooded. This means that if a green iguana sits on a hot rock, it can literally be cooked to death. If you wish to provide proper heating for a green iguana enclosure, you should use special lighting available in most pet stores.

5) Iguanas can eat insects, pet food, and other animal products – Many sources today still state that iguanas should be given animal protein as part of their diet. However, the truth is that green iguanas are best suited to an herbivorous diet. The body and metabolism of a green iguana is designed to utilize plant proteins effectively. Animal proteins, on the other hand, can prove to be very troubling to them. Consumption of animal proteins can cause your green iguana to develop gout. It can also lead to serious kidney problems. The only reason that iguanas eat insects in the wild is because these get mixed up with their food accidentally.

These are just some of the myths that you may have heard about green iguanas. By knowing the truth about these myths, you are now equipped to give the best care possible to a green iguana.

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Giant Green Iguana

A Healthy Giant Green Iguana like no other

Giant green iguanas are the "in" thing now. This is one of the most popular reptiles that is being held captive and is taken care of in most households. So you should not be surprised if your child asks for one instead of the usual cats or dogs.

If you base on the word "giant", you are probably thinking that these iguanas will appear so. Many would-be iguana owners will be surprised at the size that these reptiles can turn into in its adult years. You may have brought a little pet in the store along with cute accessories only to realize later on that those things would not fit your pet anymore.

These are what giant green iguanas can turn to. They may look small initially but they can grow their maximum size if you know how to do it properly. Now, how do you do that?

You can start off by choosing the healthiest iguana you can find. You will see this if the iguana seems active and alert. Check out their body and body parts. They should be round and without any signs of scratches, bumps or lumps.

The difference between healthy and a not-so-healthy iguana can be seen by their movements. A healthy one does not sit around and remain stagnant in one place. You will find them moving around in their cages as if curious with what is happening around them. Their eyes would appear round. Their tongue should also flick in and out while moving about.

You should not make the mistake of selecting one that appears to be calm in thinking that they can easily be taken care of. Another mistake is choosing one that appears sickly because you pity the reptile. These are sure signs that the iguana is not really healthy after all. You might end up regretting your decision later on.

The next step is giving it a suitable and comfortable home. The aquarium that you need to buy will depend upon how small or grown up your pet is already. Smaller iguanas require 10 to 29 galloon aquariums.

The best thing to do is have a custom-made cage built. It will prevent you from shifting to one cage after another once the iguana starts growing. It does not matter if you think that the cage is too large for your pet. Eventually, it will grow bigger and will need more room to move around.

The kind of diet that you give your iguana will determine how healthy or unhealthy it will be. Iguanas in their juvenile years should be fed everyday. While those in their older years can be fed after every two days.

Even if iguanas are carnivorous, the best foods to give them are green leafy vegetables. These will ensure that they maintain a healthy and balanced diet. You should do well in maintaining the kind of diet you will give your pet so that it will not turn out fat, obese and lazy.

Female iguanas have the tendency not to eat the food you give them. This may be because they are in their egg development stage. Once this stage has passed, they will get their appetite back. Just be patient in free feeding them so they will become thin and unenergetic.

Having a healthy iguana is just a matter of taking the necessary steps. If you want your giant green iguana to live for years to come, you will take time to consider every aspect needed in their growth.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Baby Green Iguana

Interesting Informations About The Baby Green Iguana

The green iguana is one kind of reptile which is commonly found all throughout South and Central America. The breeds of the green iguana are also spotted in Mexico, Paraguay, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands. There is no definite proof that the green iguana ranks among the endangered animals but then it is sometimes misconstrued to be one because it is a major attraction to the hunters. Hunters love to capture the big female iguanas. The green iguana is also a favorite delicacy of some and it is known by the name of “Bamboo Chicken”.

The Physical Appearance of the Green Iguana

The overly grown green iguanas typically grow in between four and six feet but there are some that extend up to seven feet. The tail takes up almost all of the length since it ranks to be almost half of the entire body measurement. Despite their being green, there is likewise the dominant black stripe coloring in its body. Not because they are called green iguanas they will already settle for the monochromatic color of green. The shade also diverts from the very bright green to the grayish and dull green. The skin of the green iguana is mostly rough primarily because of the pointy scales along the animal’s back. The green iguanas are equipped with claws and long fingers so that they can easily grasp and climb.

The Habitat of the Green Iguana

Baby green iguanas are typically raised in the tropical rainforest areas specifically in areas with lower altitudes and accessible water resources like those of the streams and rivers. Most of their formative years are confined in the forest top at about forty up to fifty feet high atop the ground.

The Admirable Adaptations of the Baby Green Iguanas

Aside from the invariable claws and long fingers possessed by the baby green iguanas, they also have a lot of proficient and admirable adaptations with them. The baby green iguanas are keen in terms of their senses of hearing, sight, and smell. One of their defense mechanisms is their tail which is obviously sharp and is snapped high into the air when danger is sensed. Once a predator gets the chance to grab the tail, it grows again without any damage at all. The skin of the baby green iguana is tough—it is able to avoid scratches, cuts, and is also water-resistant. The pigmentation on the skin of the baby green iguana helps out in the camouflaging especially when there are predators in the area. But then when their predators detect them, the baby green iguanas are able to swiftly jump from the trees and then dive directly into the water. Mind you, they are excellent swimmers.

Apart from these excellent adaptations, the baby green iguanas are also strong. Imagine that they do fall off the ground at about 40 up to 50 feet but they still manage to come unhurt. The male green iguanas have what is known as the dewlap on their skins. This is the special flap on their skins which they use to impress the female green iguanas or to intimidate their oncoming predators. With these dewlaps, they manage to let themselves appear bigger. Another excellent characteristic for the green iguanas is that they are able to keep fat under their own necks and jaws for quite a time especially when there is not much of the food at hand.

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Baby Green Iguana

Interesting Informations About The Baby Green Iguana

The green iguana is one kind of reptile which is commonly found all throughout South and Central America. The breeds of the green iguana are also spotted in Mexico, Paraguay, Brazil, and the Caribbean Islands. There is no definite proof that the green iguana ranks among the endangered animals but then it is sometimes misconstrued to be one because it is a major attraction to the hunters. Hunters love to capture the big female iguanas. The green iguana is also a favorite delicacy of some and it is known by the name of “Bamboo Chicken”.

The Physical Appearance of the Green Iguana

The overly grown green iguanas typically grow in between four and six feet but there are some that extend up to seven feet. The tail takes up almost all of the length since it ranks to be almost half of the entire body measurement. Despite their being green, there is likewise the dominant black stripe coloring in its body. Not because they are called green iguanas they will already settle for the monochromatic color of green. The shade also diverts from the very bright green to the grayish and dull green. The skin of the green iguana is mostly rough primarily because of the pointy scales along the animal’s back. The green iguanas are equipped with claws and long fingers so that they can easily grasp and climb.

The Habitat of the Green Iguana

Baby green iguanas are typically raised in the tropical rainforest areas specifically in areas with lower altitudes and accessible water resources like those of the streams and rivers. Most of their formative years are confined in the forest top at about forty up to fifty feet high atop the ground.

The Admirable Adaptations of the Baby Green Iguanas

Aside from the invariable claws and long fingers possessed by the baby green iguanas, they also have a lot of proficient and admirable adaptations with them. The baby green iguanas are keen in terms of their senses of hearing, sight, and smell. One of their defense mechanisms is their tail which is obviously sharp and is snapped high into the air when danger is sensed. Once a predator gets the chance to grab the tail, it grows again without any damage at all. The skin of the baby green iguana is tough—it is able to avoid scratches, cuts, and is also water-resistant. The pigmentation on the skin of the baby green iguana helps out in the camouflaging especially when there are predators in the area. But then when their predators detect them, the baby green iguanas are able to swiftly jump from the trees and then dive directly into the water. Mind you, they are excellent swimmers.

Apart from these excellent adaptations, the baby green iguanas are also strong. Imagine that they do fall off the ground at about 40 up to 50 feet but they still manage to come unhurt. The male green iguanas have what is known as the dewlap on their skins. This is the special flap on their skins which they use to impress the female green iguanas or to intimidate their oncoming predators. With these dewlaps, they manage to let themselves appear bigger. Another excellent characteristic for the green iguanas is that they are able to keep fat under their own necks and jaws for quite a time especially when there is not much of the food at hand.

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